Robots home helpers taking over a work load

Domestic robots or home helpers can be used for household chores like vacuum cleaning and serving guests. Science inventions and technological breakthroughs have enabled the use and help of these artificial human beings to be greatly received and appreciate for the ease at which they are making be. Some people are even demanding much more improved robots that can actually think and do things just like a human in a more natural way With the trend and emergence of more technology, it is presumed that robots that are home helpers will be more common shortly than it has ever been seen. Right now, the most commonly used robot home helpers are vacuum cleaners. The vacuum cleaners use an air pump to create a semi or partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt from the floors. The collected dirt and dust are also stored in the dust bag or cyclone for future disposal. These robots home helpers are actually creating and making work much easier and faster as well as efficient. All one needs to do is control the vacuum cleaner as it collects all the dust from the floors or tables and leaving them spotlessly clean

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Molecular Transistors will make breakthrough in electronics

Nobody can doubt scientists’ effort when it comes to transistors and their importance in modern technological advancements. Over time, transistors have been in the market, designed from singular molecules. Electron flow in these transistors has been facilitated by the modulation of energy produced by molecular orbits or orbital. This behavior has greatly influenced the genesis of current and future molecular transistors and other devices. Since transistors (integration of circuit elements) work with the electric current flowing within the electrodes (drain and source electrodes), trying to improve voltage put to the 3rd electrode, normally referred to as gate electrode, the manufacture of these transistors takes time, money and energy. Determination by scientists and researchers so far have a fruit; they have made a breakthrough with the first molecular transistors being made. This transistor brand is made from one molecule, has its benzene molecule bonded to the vibrant gold contacts, and works or performs like the silicon transistors. The presence of varying energy degrees in the molecule can easily be manipulated by varying states of energy. Through this, you can be able to assert yourself in controlling the passage of current via it.

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Nuclear Reactor Types – Are they really safe?

The nuclear power industry and reactor technology have constantly been developing for more than five decades now. Nuclear reactors can be classified based on their nuclear reaction, the moderator material used, generation of the reactor, fuel phase, fuel type, coolant used, etc. The fusion nuclear reactors are mainly dealt with because the fusion reactors are still in the developing stages, and the fission reactors are already being used for the past six decades. Based on nuclear reaction This type refers to the thermal (slow) reactors and the fast reactors based on neutrons’ speed. Thermal reactors are the most affordable and ordinary as they use natural and raw uranium. The neutrons are decelerated from their natural rate when emitted from the broken atomic nuclei and moderated material in the process. Fast reactors are costly that require more enriched fuel.

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Full Body Scanners – How do they work?

The new full-body security scanners might become a popular alternative to body searches with the increased alleged terror threats worldwide. The full-body scanning system has taken the world by surprise in the past recent months. The most advanced method of whole-body imaging technology involves scanning the whole body through clothing, revealing both metallic and non-metallic hidden objects, including weapons or plastic explosives. The U.S. Transportation Security Agency (TSA) had already tried this concept of whole-body imaging at six airports in mid-2009 to look for threats that typical metal detectors could not find. The process to install these scanners at more airports in several U.S. cities is already heading rapidly, with the recent alleged unsuccessful terrorist attempt on a Christmas Day flight to Detroit. To combat this threatening problem and for the people’s security, the TSA has worked with two essential technologies to upgrade its passenger screening systems- the Millimeter-wave and the Backscatter X-ray.

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Evolution of Solar Cells

With the non-renewable sources of nature diminishing and the global warming effect increasing, Solar energy is vital in the present times because the power demand in the world is a never-ending process. And the emergence of solar cells in the 19th century has signified the importance of solar energy today, in our lives. A solar cell is a device converting sunlight energy directly into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. The term “photovoltaic” is used since 1849, derived from Greek ‘phos’ meaning “light” and ‘voltaic’ meaning “electric” from the name of the Italian physicist Volta. Today, these solar cells or the photovoltaic cells are used to make solar panels, solar modules, or photovoltaic arrays.

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Technologies used in “Avatar” Movie

Writer-director James Cameron is making another cinema history with the breathtaking new 3D technology in his latest sensation, “Avatar,” which has swept the world with more surprises giving a new dimension to the world of cinema. Cameron developed this new technology that could finally revolutionize film making by getting the 3D and the CGI to new heights while mixing the real footage and the motion-captured CGI in an immersive 3D technology. A brief review of the technologies used by the director that powered some of the most stunning effects of the movie is given below:

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Setup AVR Eclipse plugin to work with WinAVR

Probably many of you (including me) are using Programmers Notepad or AVR Studio to set up AVR projects. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. For instance, Programmers, Notepad is a great GUI, but there are many manual routines required to start compiling projects – like setting up makefile, creating file dependencies, etc. AVR Studio is a great solution that generates makefiles automatically, and it has a great simulator for immediate debugging. So why would we need another IDE? Actually, Eclipse IDE is one of the best open-source tools that programmers widely use – so it is optimized for managing projects, code writing with auto-complete functionality. So why not give it a try. So let’s set up an Eclipse environment to work with AVR. First of all, let’s download Eclipse from site. Choose Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers as we want to program AVR in C. Open it (no need to install), then go to HELP->Install New Software… Click Add… and in the Add Site dialogue box, enter the URL where the AVR Eclipse plugin is located ( )

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Machine vision faster than human eye

Machine vision is more compact when compared with the other equipment. These equipment types are extensively utilized to develop more organized manufacturing operations carried out at the shop floor without any confusion. The machine vision system is a combination of imaging and controlling hardware that can influence the more complicated equipment utilized in manufacturing like robot-arms. The robot arms are to be calibrated concerning the positional deviation allowed in a particular workstation. Hence precise monitoring of the working of such equipment is necessary. The inspection process greatly relies on utilizing the machine vision system to mobilize better results in the overall production process. Inspection is considered to the shop floor’s life and can greatly decide the operation’s outcome in many ways. Inspecting relatively tiny and but the machine vision systems carry out active components like IC chips. They are supplied with imaging equipment like the camera to focus the change in the position of the component that is to be measured. This setup is employed to monitor the assembly lines carrying the supply of the raw material or finished goods traveling at a constant speed towards the successive workstations.

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How does 3D scanning work?

Scanning is considered to be one of the most challenging jobs to be performed by equipment.  It creates natural coordinates compared to the general coordinates as specified by the component’s general topography. These use specifically implicate the concept of triangulation. This concept depicts the usefulness of defining the object based on the input signals obtained by the three sensors placed at a specific angle and positional difference. The designers and professionals work 24×7, and their business is to deliver relevant data to the consumer environment. The marketing tool for the 3D scanner is a website where the professional enhance the power and image of consumer and make it easy. Graphics, contents, and colors are incorporated into a functional website for easy direction-finding. The information collected will not be revealed, disclosed, and shared with other hardware systems available with the 3D scanner. All identifiable personal data are ordered depending on the utilization of the service of the scanner. It might sound astonishing, but it is confirmed that many big software companies don’t rely on investment in new technology. For attaining adequate profit, they depend on third-person share and software.

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Deadly electromagnetic waves

Science has bestowed some real bountiful things that can play a vital role in daily life. The concept of electromagnetic waves originated from the evolution of material waves. The electromagnetic waves can be produced in intricate ways that can be costly by all means. Electromagnetic waves ionize the surrounding air to carry out certain immaculate operations, creating a defining magnetic field with the available volumes of the electromagnetic waves. The dependence on electromagnetic waves has brought in particular known and unknown implications endangering the person’s life in the process. They can be helpful in creating useful cracking of the bonds, enabling better performance of the compound. They are helpful in the magnetizing and demagnetizing of the particular material based on the person’s requirement.

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