Technologies used in “Avatar” Movie

Writer-director James Cameron is making another cinema history with the breathtaking new 3D technology in his latest sensation, “Avatar,” which has swept the world with more surprises giving a new dimension to the world of cinema. Cameron developed this new technology that could finally revolutionize film making by getting the 3D and the CGI to new heights while mixing the real footage and the motion-captured CGI in an immersive 3D technology. A brief review of the technologies used by the director that powered some of the most stunning effects of the movie is given below:

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Machine vision faster than human eye

Machine vision is more compact when compared with the other equipment. These equipment types are extensively utilized to develop more organized manufacturing operations carried out at the shop floor without any confusion. The machine vision system is a combination of imaging and controlling hardware that can influence the more complicated equipment utilized in manufacturing like robot-arms. The robot arms are to be calibrated concerning the positional deviation allowed in a particular workstation. Hence precise monitoring of the working of such equipment is necessary. The inspection process greatly relies on utilizing the machine vision system to mobilize better results in the overall production process. Inspection is considered to the shop floor’s life and can greatly decide the operation’s outcome in many ways. Inspecting relatively tiny and but the machine vision systems carry out active components like IC chips. They are supplied with imaging equipment like the camera to focus the change in the position of the component that is to be measured. This setup is employed to monitor the assembly lines carrying the supply of the raw material or finished goods traveling at a constant speed towards the successive workstations.

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How does 3D scanning work?

Scanning is considered to be one of the most challenging jobs to be performed by equipment.  It creates natural coordinates compared to the general coordinates as specified by the component’s general topography. These use specifically implicate the concept of triangulation. This concept depicts the usefulness of defining the object based on the input signals obtained by the three sensors placed at a specific angle and positional difference. The designers and professionals work 24×7, and their business is to deliver relevant data to the consumer environment. The marketing tool for the 3D scanner is a website where the professional enhance the power and image of consumer and make it easy. Graphics, contents, and colors are incorporated into a functional website for easy direction-finding. The information collected will not be revealed, disclosed, and shared with other hardware systems available with the 3D scanner. All identifiable personal data are ordered depending on the utilization of the service of the scanner. It might sound astonishing, but it is confirmed that many big software companies don’t rely on investment in new technology. For attaining adequate profit, they depend on third-person share and software.

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What artificial intelligence can do these days?

Artificial Intelligence is part of a computer science program that deals in making machines behave and perform operations that a human being can commit. People have been trying to make devices behave like humans for a very long time, and today, with the help of advanced computing, people can achieve it. Artificial Intelligence, in short, is termed AI. There are various departments where Artificial Intelligence can be extensively used. Out of all departments, the defense is one area where the artificial department has been widely used. Gaming is another department where artificial intelligence is getting used. Gaming is prevalent among youngsters, and when these machines start responding to human beings’ requests, people get more excited. There is both advantage and disadvantage in Artificial Intelligence. One of the significant benefits is that by using artificial intelligence technology, we can make machines perform human activities, thus minimizing human labor. You can use devices to perform work that human beings found difficult. Nowadays, human beings can sit in their office and control their house computer. Not one researcher can invent an artificial intelligence system, and it takes years to build a proper and advanced artificial intelligence system.

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What Is An Atomic Clock?

The atomic clock is a kind of clock that utilizes atomic resonance frequency as its timekeeping feature. These clocks show the exact time and frequency standards and are identified as the primary standards for international time and manage and organize the frequency of the television broadcasts and GPS satellite services. The atomic clock uses the resonance frequency of atoms as its resonator. A resonator is operated by the frequency of the microwave electromagnetic radiation absorbed or emitted by the molecule or atom’s energy change. Thus an atomic clock generates standard frequencies. These are installed at various sites to show time signals. Alpha navigation transmitters and LORAN C. Atomic clocks are very useful in long wave and short wave broadcasting stations to deliver an exact frequency that can act as the standard frequency. Also, atomic clocks have been used in a long-baseline interferometer in radio-astronomy.

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Technologies That Fight Global Warming

Global warming is a significant threat to people and the earth. It is an increase in the earth’s surface air and the oceans. Earth now finds it difficult to breathe because of the concentration of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are essential to the earth’s environment. It effectively traps heat in the lower atmosphere and radiates the heat the planet needs. Without greenhouse gases, our earth’s temperature would be 0o F or -18oC instead of 57°F or 14°C. Are we aiding in the enhancement of the greenhouse gases or going against it and making it worse? Man has caused the most damage to greenhouse gases. Through the combustion of oil, coal, and gas, human activities have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Pollution is the biggest human-made problem. Another main problem the cause of global warming is population. To fight global warming, scientists have found different ways to solve the problem. The use of technology in fighting global warming is one of the means to reduce global warming.

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Use of Nanotechnolgy

People are very much astonished by the fact that people can engineer at the level that is not at all imagined. Nanotechnology provides the user to play with a variety of components present in the world. The nanoscience engraves certain unique features associated with the development of science. It revolves around certain intricate topics such as manufacturing at the nano level and then engineering components at the nano level. This may involve an improved skillset from the working community. The works of various researchers involve the use of nanotechnology in day to day life. The people worldwide may appreciate the use of Nanotechnology in production of carbon tubes used for various engineering applications if it is feasible. But it is known that nanotechnology’s use to produce such a small component is practically impossible, but this statement is proved wrong in recent years.

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Fuel Cell Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

In this age of technology, there is a development every minute in almost all the fields in one regard or the other. Such a significant result in a lot of alternate energy is the Fuel cell. A fuel cell, in simple terms, is an electrochemical energy generating device. It has been one of the most fascinating and interesting aspects of today’s world’s technology. Many things are yet to be developed in this field, and there are a huge scope and application for these Fuel Cells. These fuel cells are being under research by many people all around the world. Construction and Working There are many different types of fuel cells. But the basic construction and working of a fuel cell are the same, and the concept behind it is also the same. The Fuel cell works on the principle that energy is produced when some chemical reaction occurs. If this energy can be tapped, it can be converted into practical means. In a conventional fuel cell, the reaction occurs between hydrogen and oxygen, and water is formed. This is the primary chemical reaction that happens, and energy produced by this is tapped through proper channels and used for several applications.…

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Automated Guided Vehicles

Automated Guided Vehicles help transport the raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products within a workplace. Initially, in any industry or a workplace, the materials are transported from one work station to another work station manually or by using a vehicle that the human operates. Because of the manual interaction, the time taken for transporting the materials is high, and because of the increased time, the production rate of an industry comes down. To increase the production rate and utilize the resources like labor, machine efficiently in an industry, Automated Guided Vehicles have been brought into existence. The Automated Guided Vehicles cannot be installed in the workplace as such. It needs a lot of planning and design. This is because the Automated Guided Vehicles installation is costlier, and once installed, it would be difficult to change them. Thus, before installing the Automated Guided Vehicles, the Automated Guided Vehicles’ installation and movement region should be pre-determined. The layout of the company plays a vital role in the Automated Guided Vehicles system installation. Automated Guided Vehicles’ primary purpose is to reduce the travel time of the raw material or the workpiece. So the shortest route between the workstations has to be identified,…

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The Stirling cycle – technology beyond expectation

The key code of a Stirling engine is that a downright calculate of gas is sealed within the machine. The Stirling cycle involves a cycle of check that mutation the hassle of the gas within the engine, causing it to do work. There are numerous properties of gasses that are risky to the venture of Stirling engines: If you have a rigid amount of gas in a rigid level of celestial and hoist the gas’s temperature, the hassle will improve. If you have a rigid amount of gas and compress it (decrease the level of its space), the gas temperature will improve. Let’s go through the piece part of the Stirling chain while looking at a simplified Stirling engine. One cylinder is heated by an outdoor heat bound (such as a fire), and the other is cooled by an outdoor cooling bound. The two cylinders’ gas chambers are allied, and the pistons are joined to apiece other mechanically by a linkage that determines how they will move about one another. You can add heat to the gas inside the heated cylinder (left), making it a bit hard. It compels the piston to move a little down. This is the part…

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