When there is (not) enough of screen resolution on your device?

We face lots of screens and displays today, starting with computer monitors, TVs, and smartphones and ending with more sophisticated virtual reality (VR) displays like Oculus Rift. Most of them already use high-resolution displays. For instance, Ultra HD 4k displays are becoming more and more available in the list of monitors. But what does this mean, and is this enough or too much? Many tests and debates are running about proper screen resolution when you have good picture quality and not waste only numbers. This is not what are we are going to discuss. Everyone has to find their own optimal solution. Why not do this rationally instead of chasing numbers. Fig. 1 Screen door effect From the practical side, resolution alone doesn’t have significant meaning when choosing screens and displays. You could take the other two parameters into account – distance from screen and screen size. All those parameters go along with human visual acuity – the smallest thing he can spot. When you go to the eye inspection, you are given a character chart to point to the smallest symbols you can see. The number next to that line represents your visual acuity. For healthy people, the parameter…

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Features of classrooms Automated by Linear Actuators

Various features are used to identify the classrooms that have been automated by linear actuation. These features make it easy and simple to ensure that the classrooms are automated. The automated classrooms using the linear actuators are comprised of a single interface that is used in controlling all the equipment in the classroom. This paper will look at the features of the classrooms that are automated using the 12-24 volt linear actuators. The automated classrooms using the linear actuators are comprised of projectors, cameras, computers, speakers, and various equipment used to control the various elements of nature. This includes the regulation of temperature and the intensity of light in the classrooms. The linear actuators are linked to form complex systems that are controlled from one interface. This makes it possible for the students and the instructor to conveniently control the equipment to ensure that they acquire more from the lessons. Some other features associated with the actuators include the automatic opening and closing of doors, moving the tables and chairs, and the camera surveillance for the classroom.

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Amplifying Mobile Phone Signals

Mobile phones have become a necessity to us in this era because of the way they help us stay connected and to stay connected we must ensure that certain relevant things are present, one of those things is having good reception and signals, so there aren’t any disruptions in our connectivity and the service carriers ensure this by providing high amounts of coverage, so there isn’t necessarily any need to amplify mobile phone signals. Still, certain cases in which the reception is outright horrible due to interference or any number of external factors. This would cause you to look for ways on how to fix that issue by looking for a way to boost the number of signals you’re getting, you can do that using a few different methods, but one of the most common ways is through the use of a mobile phone signal booster which is an easy to use utility and gets rid of any signal/reception issues that you happen to be facing. The mobile phone signal booster basically does what the name implies. It takes the existing signals you have no matter how scarce they may be and then begins to amplify those signals so that…

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Capacitors Embracing the Green Revolution

One of the pressing concerns of our age is the environmental crisis. With the progressing technological evolution, the need for energy conservation and harvesting has increased. Harvesting energy is not an easy task, and most of the time, generating energy creates pollution in the environment. To deal with it, the international community has changed its approach. It is now focused on identifying the areas where energy is being wasted and rectifying those issues instead of producing more energy. The low power factor is one of those aforementioned issues. Power factor is a measure of lag in current concerning voltage. Its value varies from zero to one.  This lag creates a component of electrical power that is not being used and keeps oscillating between generation and consumer ends. This circulation of power dissipates energy in the form of heat and creates extra load on the generation’s end. A power factor issue arises due to inductive loads, such as electric motors, fans, etc. Now the power companies have started to penalize industries with high inductive loads and a shallow power factor. The industries are taking initiatives to increase their power factor. There are two methods of power factor correction. One is using…

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Thermoelectric effect and modules

thermoelectric cooler

Thermoelectric devices are seen very often in various appliances: small refrigerators, semiconductor chip coolers, medical chillers. The thermoelectric effect works in both directions – it can generate temperature difference when current flows, or it can induce current when the temperature difference is applied. About thermoelectric effect It is known for more than 100 years. Several scientists discovered this effect in one or another way. Probably you’ve heard the Peltier effect. Jean Charles Athanase Peltier discovered that if you apply an electrical current to two materials’ junction, it gets cold or hot (depending on current direction).

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Fractal antenna technology

A Fractal receiver is a receiver that can be damaged up into lesser parts. Fractal means a part of, so in this scenario, they refer to a receiver that can have feelers added or aloof. By liability, the Fractal receiver is; next, a notion called the self-similarity to expect module. This typically means that you can detach or add in peer parts. If you ever took a lobby in Fractal Geometry, you’d learn the mathematical reasoning behind this. The Mandelbrot Set governs the mathematics behind this stunt. Benoit Mandelbrot is the father of fresh day Fractal Geometry. These antennas activate by elate out rare electromagnetic signals that face a specific zone or size depending on how many Fractals the receiver has. Fractal Antennas aren’t outsized or awkward in any way. They are tiny and have legal world applications in cellular phones or microwave ovens and another small electronic method. This receiver is rare in that it can activate at countless different frequencies at the same time.

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Molecular Transistors will make breakthrough in electronics

Nobody can doubt scientists’ effort when it comes to transistors and their importance in modern technological advancements. Over time, transistors have been in the market, designed from singular molecules. Electron flow in these transistors has been facilitated by the modulation of energy produced by molecular orbits or orbital. This behavior has greatly influenced the genesis of current and future molecular transistors and other devices. Since transistors (integration of circuit elements) work with the electric current flowing within the electrodes (drain and source electrodes), trying to improve voltage put to the 3rd electrode, normally referred to as gate electrode, the manufacture of these transistors takes time, money and energy. Determination by scientists and researchers so far have a fruit; they have made a breakthrough with the first molecular transistors being made. This transistor brand is made from one molecule, has its benzene molecule bonded to the vibrant gold contacts, and works or performs like the silicon transistors. The presence of varying energy degrees in the molecule can easily be manipulated by varying states of energy. Through this, you can be able to assert yourself in controlling the passage of current via it.

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Nuclear Reactor Types – Are they really safe?

The nuclear power industry and reactor technology have constantly been developing for more than five decades now. Nuclear reactors can be classified based on their nuclear reaction, the moderator material used, generation of the reactor, fuel phase, fuel type, coolant used, etc. The fusion nuclear reactors are mainly dealt with because the fusion reactors are still in the developing stages, and the fission reactors are already being used for the past six decades. Based on nuclear reaction This type refers to the thermal (slow) reactors and the fast reactors based on neutrons’ speed. Thermal reactors are the most affordable and ordinary as they use natural and raw uranium. The neutrons are decelerated from their natural rate when emitted from the broken atomic nuclei and moderated material in the process. Fast reactors are costly that require more enriched fuel.

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Full Body Scanners – How do they work?

The new full-body security scanners might become a popular alternative to body searches with the increased alleged terror threats worldwide. The full-body scanning system has taken the world by surprise in the past recent months. The most advanced method of whole-body imaging technology involves scanning the whole body through clothing, revealing both metallic and non-metallic hidden objects, including weapons or plastic explosives. The U.S. Transportation Security Agency (TSA) had already tried this concept of whole-body imaging at six airports in mid-2009 to look for threats that typical metal detectors could not find. The process to install these scanners at more airports in several U.S. cities is already heading rapidly, with the recent alleged unsuccessful terrorist attempt on a Christmas Day flight to Detroit. To combat this threatening problem and for the people’s security, the TSA has worked with two essential technologies to upgrade its passenger screening systems- the Millimeter-wave and the Backscatter X-ray.

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Evolution of Solar Cells

With the non-renewable sources of nature diminishing and the global warming effect increasing, Solar energy is vital in the present times because the power demand in the world is a never-ending process. And the emergence of solar cells in the 19th century has signified the importance of solar energy today, in our lives. A solar cell is a device converting sunlight energy directly into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. The term “photovoltaic” is used since 1849, derived from Greek ‘phos’ meaning “light” and ‘voltaic’ meaning “electric” from the name of the Italian physicist Volta. Today, these solar cells or the photovoltaic cells are used to make solar panels, solar modules, or photovoltaic arrays.

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