5 Things You Didn’t Know About a Mobile Signal Booster

When you can’t talk on the phone without being interrupted inside your house, when you have to run outside the office to get a Skype message, it’s still not a dead end. People use mobile signal boosters to combat this kind of signal trouble. However, all they know about this equipment is that in most cases, it can increase bars but not more. As a result, the notion of a signal booster gets overgrown with prejudices. We decided to make top 5 things you have hardly ever heard about a mobile signal booster so that you can check what you really know about this kind of equipment.  As an example, we use Hiboost mobile signal repeater produced by Huaptec.


GSM Boosters won’t work if there’s no signal outside.

We bet you were always sure that a mobile signal booster would improve a signal anyway, and how well it would do it depends on the booster’s quality. You’re partly right, but that is not the whole story. If you can’t pick up the signal outside your house at all, it’s a strong possibility that you won’t be able to improve cellular signal. It’s connected with the booster working principle. In fact, the device doesn’t literally amplify the signal but repeats good signal from the outside and spreads it inside the area. That’s why more or less good signal reception outside the building (at least 2-3 bars) is obligatory for future booster users.


Mobile signal repeaters emit minimum radiation.

It’s commonly believed that despite mobile repeater being relatively efficient in cellular signal enhancement, as any electronic device, it emits a significant amount of radiation and is extremely harmful to humans. In actual practice, it doesn’t emit more than a hair dryer or a washing machine. Moreover, this little portion of electromagnetic emissions produced is divided between the booster and antennas. Since outdoor antenna is placed outdoors, there is even less radiation in your home.


Boosters decrease electromagnetic emissions from mobile phones.

Firm believers that cellular signal boosters emit a lot of radiation would consider this statement absurd. In fact, it’s really so. When some area is out of service a powered-on mobile phone will automatically search for a strong signal there unless it picks up the network. When searching for a strong network, mobile phone spends a lot of energy and emits heavily. Mobile booster installed in the area fills in the coverage limit and provides seamless signal reception. As a result, a mobile device will start communicating with signal better and produce less electromagnetic emissions by up to 60 times.


Boosters work on the same frequencies as mobile operators do.

In order to improve cellular signal that mobile operators provide, mobile  GSM/3G/4G booster has to work on the same frequencies they do. Consequently, there appears possibility of overlapping cellular operators’ networks, and here comes the very delicate question of booster legacy. If the booster really intervenes with the operators and creates noise on their network, the user can be fined for a considerable sum of money. However, the issue centers around low-quality boosters with which eBay and Amazon are simply overloaded. Most of manufacturers equip their devices with smart gain controls and noise protection systems which completely secure users from cell tower interference.


Boosters can support an unlimited number of mobile phones.

Most people think that a booster is applicable only to tiny homes with a relatively moderate number of users. In fact, the number of mobile phones and data sessions the booster allows depends on its power. Even least powerful models support up to 100 users at a time, and robust models allow an almost unlimited number of users in the area. So, the equipment can be used to cover supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants, parking lots, subways, and even airports.


Guess you were surprised, and some of your illusions were definitely dispelled. If you know more interesting facts about a signal booster, share with us in comments!

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