When there is (not) enough of screen resolution on your device?

We face lots of screens and displays today, starting with computer monitors, TVs, and smartphones and ending with more sophisticated virtual reality (VR) displays like Oculus Rift. Most of them already use high-resolution displays. For instance, Ultra HD 4k displays are becoming more and more available in the list of monitors. But what does this mean, and is this enough or too much? Many tests and debates are running about proper screen resolution when you have good picture quality and not waste only numbers. This is not what are we are going to discuss. Everyone has to find their own optimal solution. Why not do this rationally instead of chasing numbers. Fig. 1 Screen door effect From the practical side, resolution alone doesn’t have significant meaning when choosing screens and displays. You could take the other two parameters into account – distance from screen and screen size. All those parameters go along with human visual acuity – the smallest thing he can spot. When you go to the eye inspection, you are given a character chart to point to the smallest symbols you can see. The number next to that line represents your visual acuity. For healthy people, the parameter…