6 Important Camera Accessories Every Photographer Should Own

There is always one debate among photographers that photography isn’t about the gear, but it is about the person behind the camera. That’s true, but let’s face it: there are some camera accessories that you should have to aid your skills. Here we have listed down a few accessories that you should buy if you own a DSLR. 1. Tripod The relation between a camera and a tripod is inseparable. Tripods can help you in capturing photos where you require the help of another person. Moreover, they are also used in sports photography, astrophotography, and time-lapse videos and capture long exposures. With a tripod, you will achieve excellent stability and get correctly focused photos by avoiding the camera blur. 2. Extra Battery Imagine you are in long event photography, and suddenly your camera shuts down. It is frustrating to stop taking photos in the middle of the event. Having extra batteries in your bag allows you to keep shooting, and in the meantime, you can also charge the drained one. There are many Online stores where you can buy spare batteries online at discounted prices.