Recap of Star Track Tournament by Max Polyakov’s Noosphere

Star Track Tournament, a brand new event for young scientists and space enthusiasts, was held for the first time at the Noosphere Engineering School on December 2, 2017. Participants were able to present unconventional space-oriented developments and had the chance to win a cash prize to build a prototype. Association Noosphere, founded by Max Polyakov, conducted this challenge jointly with Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. Specifically, it aimed to raise student awareness of modern-day suborbital rockets, which are considered the future of aerospace. Participants were presented with three topics:

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Don’t start trading Forex till you know these indicators backwards

Around the millennium turn, Forex trading was seen as almost a black art, accessible only to those who understand its mysterious ways, with its own special language, acronyms and even hand signals. Today, if the internet is to be believed, everyone is at it. You might say that is unsurprising. After all, in the technological age, most of us are a great deal savvier about all sorts of topics than we were 20 years ago. And let’s face it, in the wake of the global recession, we have had to bone up on a whole range of alternative investment strategies. These days, half of us have become property tycoons almost by accident due to the pensions crisis. Is it any wonder if the other half is becoming Forex traders?

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Tesla Trucks shortages

The introduction of the Tesla Semi showcases CEO Elon Musk’s apparent attempt to revolutionize a different transport industry sector. November 16, on a Thursday evening, Tesla unveiled the long-awaited Tesla Semi truck via live stream, at its design studio in California, too much applause and acclaim. Sporting an attractive, well-designed nickel-chromium, bullet-shaped, the Boeing 747 aircraft look, the Tesla Semi reveals a divergence from the norm found in the trucking industry. With the BAMF performance acronym, Musk attempts to explain the Semi’s abilities. Without any load in the trailer, the Tesla Semi would go from 0 to 60mph in 5 seconds. With an 80,000-pound cargo weight, the Semi is expected to go from 0 to 60mph in 20 seconds. Going up a hill, up a 5% grade, while the normal diesel trucks would go 45 miles per hour, the Tesla Semi would nip the 65mph range up the same hill, carrying the maximum load. Over a 500-mile range at gross vehicle weight (GVW) and highway speed, on a full charge, it is estimated that the Tesla Semi would comfortably deliver its cargo at the desired destination and return, without requiring the need to refuel. This is taking into consideration, Tesla…

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Online marketplace platform with the best customizable software from

Build and run your own trading platform for suppliers of goods and services. Use the Online Marketplace Software by Rademade to get around competitors at the start. Best marketplace platform is your own marketplace platform Ecommerce development remains a profitable area of online business. Internet shopping attracts an inexhaustible number of companies and individuals. However, owners of commercial websites notice that buying audience is already heavily oversaturated with the constant stream of “lucrative” offers on the Internet. It’s time for new solutions for the extension, source distribution, bringing suppliers, and gaining benefits. The online marketplace platform is the best format for working in eCommerce today. And tomorrow multi-vendor platforms will not stop attracting customers. So, more and more wholesalers and dropshipping distributors will work with multi-user shopping sites to sell, resale, and rent a variety of products. The best b2b solution now is to launch your customizable online marketplace with the ready-made software from Marketplace Experts, and the best software is

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How to Improve Customer Relationships in 2018

When it comes to business success, customer relations can make or break a brand. The entire customer experience is taken into account whenever an individual decides to shop with your brand, and even the smallest amount of dissatisfaction can negatively impact the future. In 2016, studies found that 75% of companies said that improving customer experience was their top objective. This is unsurprising since customers who are satisfied with their experience are more likely to return, along with telling their friends and family. Satisfied customers may also leave positive online reviews, boosting your brand’s online presence and reputation. So, what can you do in 2018 to improve customer relations? Here are some suggestions.

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How to spy on another phone

Text messages are communications that help in our daily lives. However, since there are so many apps help us communicate in words only, test messages have taken a back seat. There are no specific apps that may help you read texts from another phone. The downloading of many such apps may also result in permanent damage done to your phone and system. So the only way how to get text messages off someone else’s phone is when they are not in the vicinity of their phone.

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Ways To Know That You Are Going Through Good Night Sleep

When someone asks if you slept all right the other night, sometimes, this question can be a tricky one to answer. You have, and you haven’t, at the same time. Yes, you had some sleep and did not remember to wake up in the middle of the night, but still, you are tired and feel sleepy. You cannot just keep your eyes awake for long, and the entire day is turning out to be quite a drag for you. How will you describe this feeling? Why do you think you still feel sleepy and tired after taking a good sleep of 6 to 7 hours? Well, some points can easily clarify if you had a good sleep last night only if you are aware of it. So, without wasting time, let’s learn more about the points first.

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How do sleep trackers work and are they reliable?

Quite and sound sleep is one of the most important necessities of life. A sleepless night of a sleep-deprived night might turn into a disastrous day too. Sleep lack not only causes agitated days but also cause hurdle t healthy body and mind throughout the day. This is why proper hours of sleep, sound sleep measurement and any sleep disorders are the areas where you must possess some knowledge about yourself. Technology has leapt now. You can now literally count the number of hours, assess the quality of sleep or know the presence of any sleep disorder in your body. Sleep trackers do this function. There are different kinds of sleep trackers available in the market. Some of them are wearable and some non-wearable. Some come in the form of watches, clocks, monitor or mattresses like Amanda sleep mattresses. How do sleep trackers work? If one has a sleep disorder, then a doctor will recommend visiting a sleep clinic and deciding to conduct a study test on you. There are various factors involved that are essential to evaluate the sleep problems such as brain waves, breathing, heart rate and rhythm, muscle activity, the position of sleep, movement of eyes and…

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5 Most Common Types of Cyber Attack

The tremendous benefits of modern technology are not without high costs – although, as you’ll see in this article, nearly all of these costs can be mitigated. Connecting with the World Wide Web has more benefits than it does risks – especially when it comes to your business. Liabilities mount with increased exposure, and it’s worth investing in products such as eDiscovery services by CBI cybersecurity specialists to ensure your digital information is as secure as possible in the current era. Here we investigate a handful of the most common cyber attacks that businesses – and people – have to deal with.

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Why you Need to Start Buying Green Electricity

Most of the electricity in the United Kingdom comes from fossil fuels like coal, gas, and oil. This is a huge contributor to climate change. here are some great green alternatives. Carbon Free Electricity Carbon-free electricity accounts for nearly 40 percent of the total production of electricity in the United Kingdom. This includes nuclear and other renewables. The proportion of renewable resources vs old resources is at a steady growth rate. This is due to the various policies like Renewable Obligation and Contracts for Differences. At present, the United Kingdom wants at least 30 percent of electricity to be derived from renewable resources by the year 2020.

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