Regularized Logistic regression

Previously we have tried logistic regression without regularization and with the simple training data set. But as we all know, things in real life aren’t as simple as we would want to. There are many types of data available that need to be classified. A number of features can grow up hundreds and thousands while a number of instances may be limited. Also in, many times, we might need to classify into more than two classes. The first problem that might arise due to many features is over-fitting. This is when learned hypothesis hΘ (x) fit training data too well (cost J(Θ) ≈ 0), but it fails when classifying new data samples. In other words, the model tries to distinct each training example correctly by drawing very complicated decision boundaries between training data points. As you can see in the image above, over-fitting would be green decision boundary. So how to deal with the over-fitting problem? There might be several approaches: We leave first two out of the question because selecting an optimal number of features is a different topic of optimization. Also, we are sticking with logistic regression model for now, so changing classifier is also out of the…

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The Material Starter Kit facilitates your lateral flow assay development

So you’re in the midst of later flow test development? Then you have indeed visited some questions such as “how much is it going to cost me?”. Often times the beginning phases of the process that leads up to a lateral flow test are hindered severely by the lack of necessary materials. These materials aren’t a problem regarding availability, but more of how you get them. Most providers will offer you a minimum purchase type of deal, which revolves around meeting a specific minimum amount of product before your order can be recorded. The list of things you need when you start developing lateral flow tests is quite extensive, and it is most likely that you wish things would be different.

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Implementing logistic regression learner with python

Logistic regression is the next step from linear regression. The most real-life data have a non-linear relationship; thus, applying linear models might be ineffective. Logistic regression is capable of handling non-linear effects in prediction tasks. You can think of many different scenarios where logistic regression could be applied. There can be financial, demographic, health, weather, and other data where the model could be implemented and used to predict subsequent events on future data. For instance, you can classify emails into spam and non-spam, transactions being a fraud or not, and tumors being malignant or benign. In order to understand logistic regression, let’s cover some basics, do a simple classification on data set with two features, and then test it on real-life data with multiple features.

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5 Search Engines for Academic Research

Acquiring sound researching skills plus basic knowledge of how researching tools work are important for students, regardless of whether they are in high school or college. There is so much information on almost any topic on the internet. Generally, Google is the most popular search engine, and using it for academic research is time-consuming and may fail to offer relevant resources. Many of the academic web pages have been buried deep in the web and it takes more than Google to uncover them. Several alternative search engines exist that are free to use and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. These academic search engines are built specifically for academic purposes. Though Google is the main hub of information on every topic under the sun, researching the right way makes all the difference. The better you research, the more will be your chances to write a good essay. But, what if you’re not so good in the research part which also takes hours of your effort and time. Essays UK offers complete assistance when it comes to researching any topic. From finding the right topics to diving deep into different topics, take help from specialists who have mastered the…

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Mistakes You Should Always Avoid In Social Media Marketing

Social media is now viral among people that have different backgrounds, genders, ages, and interests. So many businesses are actively engaging in social media recruiting using social media to market services and products. It helps them reach the target audience, and so many different benefits are associated with this type of promotion. The problem is that most people have no idea what should be done. Whether you create a WordPress blog and you want to promote it or your business is moving towards the online world, be sure that you avoid the following really common mistakes with social media marketing. Buying Followers At first glance, you will think that this is a great way to get some extra business exposure. However, the people who will follow the pages will not be interested in what you promote. Social media sites are always going to take engagement into account. When the engagement of the visitors is low, the site owner will not get much promotion. Buying followers is always a bad idea since you want your followers to be genuinely interested in your business. So instead of buying, you can export and analyze data from your social media accounts. If you have…

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Staying Healthy When You’re Constantly On The Move

Health is a concern for most people who want to ensure they’re eating the right foods and getting enough exercise to stay healthy. Although our jobs are essential for us financially, they don’t do much for our health at the best of times, especially if you’re constantly on the move. Truck drivers, area managers and area reps are renowned for being some of the unhealthiest workers the nation has to offer because, when you’re constantly on the go, it’s much easier to opt for a quick stop at a fast food joint over anything else. It’s often a good idea to plan out your schedule at the beginning of the week. Check which shifts you have or when you’re supposed to be working and plan your meals around them, preparing each one in advance. Go shopping at the weekend and buy a few things that you can eat for lunch. Try chicken salad wraps or this great storecupboard pasta salad which is both health and filling. If you dedicate a little time to planning ahead you’ll be less likely to make bad food choices on the way to your next meeting or delivery stop. Of course, changes of schedule always…

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8 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Network Security

Securing a network is an administrator’s main priority, and with good reason. Insecure networks are open to infiltration by viruses, malware, and hackers. A dedicated threat can even bring down an entire system, costing a company time and resources. As important as it is, security is not difficult to achieve. Neither is it an expensive undertaking. Here are eight simple things that Linux for network engineers can improve a network’s security. 1) Migrate to Linux The fact that Linux experiences fewer security issues than Windows is very well-known. Migrating some desktops from Windows to Linux is an easy yet effective way of improving network security. Users who do not rely on proprietary Windows applications can migrate first. But to ensure that they continue accessing Webmail, OWA should be set up in place of Exchange. 2) Restrict the Installation of Software Users installing the software will expose the whole network to viruses and malware. Thus, only administrators should conduct installations. And if users must install anything, it must be with their administrator’s approval. Yes, they will find this frustrating, but it is necessary for network security. And it pays off dividends in the long run.

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How to Keep Your Virtual Team on Track

Most project managers have to deal with a fast-paced schedule that requires everybody to be efficient and on track from the beginning of the project to the end. Project management software can help keep things organized, but there are other ways to keep your team on track as a supplement to PM tools. Here are some suggestions that you can use to make sure your virtual team doesn’t stray from their schedule and gets the project delivered on time. Don’t Rely Too Much on Email On the surface, email seems like a good way to handle project management needs. It’s fast, reliable, and leaves a paper trail that makes things easier to check on later. However, it would help if you kept in mind that email gets used for many different things, so it’s also easier to get lost or forgotten about in the sea of information. Rather than rely on email, make sure you carry out important conversations on your project management platform. Enterprise PM tools offer you many options for communication and make it easy to keep track of follow-ups, providing you with useful checklists and threaded conversations that have less chance of getting lost or forgotten about…

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Noteworthy Trends and Tech in Broadband Services that Can Be Expected a Few Years from Now

In telecommunications technology, the term broadband refers to a wide bandwidth data transmission through coaxial cable, twisted pair, optical fiber, or wireless radio signals. Ordinarily, it is used to refer to any high-speed internet access, something that is at least notably faster than traditional dial-up internet access. Much have changed since the introduction of broadband, and in the next few years, internet users can expect even better broadband experiences. The Cord Cutting Trend There is a growing “cord cutting” trend in the broadband service industry wherein cords or cables are being abandoned. It’s similar to what happened with similar services years ago. Consumers have moved away from landline phones to wireless telecommunication services. Many of those who have been subscribing to cable TV have switched to wireless services (those cable services with prominent dishes installed on rooftops).

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Getting to know about Medical Alert Comparison

This platform has been developed, keeping in mind the needs of the seniors and the elderlies. This virtual platform was developed to offer them a reliable medical alert system to provide convenience and efficiency. It has helped many seniors in more than one way, giving their health and lives the priority, which was the main aim of creating Medical Alert Comparison. The professionals working for the entity have the same objective and goals that are communicated to them clearly, and thus, they work towards it with dedication. The services offered by this entity are reliable and trustworthy. Also, they are cost-effective and are offered nationwide to ease the seniors and their loved ones. The entity ensures minimal time response against the queries and services of their clients. It also offers a free custom quote to its clients. This free custom quote includes; a price list for monitoring around the clock (twenty-four hours), medical alert system features, customized recommendations, and an exclusive offer for a limited time period. It must be kept in mind that this website serves as a comparison and information platform through which the clients or customers can make an objective decision and register with services to make…

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