The Fall of Cable TV & the Rise of Streaming

Nostalgia is a powerful feeling, and while waiting at the DMV, I reminisced on the times my sister and I would gather around the TV to watch the new episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog. Side note: that show was messed up for a kid’s show! Nowadays, waiting for a specific time to watch an episode of a show still happens, but it’s far less widespread than it was a decade ago when cable TV ruled the world. Wait, cable TV? Yep! Streaming has made cable TV almost entirely useless, but it still exists. But as cable TV draws ever-nearer to its death, I think it’s essential to take a look at what made cable TV lose to streaming services. On-Demand TV

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Everything You Need to Know About Protein Denaturation

Most proteins become functional once they acquire their native three-dimensional structure, which is dictated by the primary amino acid sequence of the protein. Denaturation is when proteins, or more specifically, nucleic acids, lose their three-dimensional structure. The occurrence of denaturation can be due to many external factors; subsequently, this event can irreversibly disrupt the protein’s functionality1. Forces Involved in Protein Stability In the cell, linear polypeptides are synthesized from a sequence of mRNA through a process known as translation. As the polypeptide is synthesized, it begins to fold into its three-dimensional structure in a process known as protein folding. The secondary structure, which includes the alpha helices and beta sheets, is stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds between the amide hydrogen and carbonyl oxygen of the peptide bond that links the amino acids of the primary structure. Interactions between side chains of amino acids that comprise the protein determine the tertiary structure. The structure is firmly maintained due to the strength of hydrophobic interactions and the disulfide that bridges the cysteine residues of the amino acids.

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How to organise a productive meeting

Meetings are one of the most common ways for people to get together and solve problems. They give us the opportunity to plan things and reflect on achievements. Companies and organisations, also organise meetings to brainstorm new ideas and share. However, meetings can be unproductive and boring. People hate poorly organised or stupid routine meetings. These are just a waste of time. Why do meetings fail? There are many reasons why meetings fail. The biggest fault typically falls on management who cannot organise, plan and moderate the meeting. Meetings also fail when: Important participants skip the meetings The meeting has no focus or direction Attendants do not prepare or do not take it seriously The meeting does not start well There are many distractions during the meeting Notes are not taken during the meeting No clear instruction after meeting There are even more reasons meeting fail that may differ from organisation to organisation. Ineffective meetings can eat up precious time, which could be used for productive work. There should be an effective plan, clear rules, and a clear goal on why this or another meeting is organized.

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The Importance of Machine learning with python

During the past few years, the terms artificial insight and machine learning have started showing up now and again in innovation news and sites. Often the two are utilized as equivalent words, yet numerous specialists contend that they have inconspicuous yet real differences.  Furthermore, of course, the specialists in some cases differ among themselves about what those differences are.  When all is said in done, however, two things appear to be clear: first, the term artificial insight (AI) is more established than the term Machine learning with python and second, the vast majority consider machine learning to be a subset of artificial knowledge. 

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Scroll Saw VS Band Saw: How to Make the Right Choice

Two of the power tools that have always been having difficulty in making a choice is the scroll saw, and band saw. However, at first look, they might look the same, making you think they also do the same work, but no! There exist an overlap between these two. They manufactured for different purposes. This article is going to take you through the underlying differences and help you choose between the two power tools. It has six sections that cover all details about Scroll Saw VS Band Saw. Section1: What Are The Scroll Saw And Band Saw? This part gives a brief description of the scroll saw and band saw.

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Introduction to RaaS (Ransomware-as-a-Service)

The cyber threats come in all shapes and sizes, from benign adware that is now considered legacy threats as they have become easily detected and removed to ransomware capable of locking your device, website and\or files. Ransomware authors are continually progressing with their methods have recently developed a new breed of threat called ransomware-as-a-service or also known as RaaS. What is RaaS? The ransomware itself has been around for many years now, but unfortunately, it had not been fully recognized as a top threat until a widespread attack of WannaCry virus in 2017. The attack began in Europe but moved swiftly to reach more than 250,000 computers in 116 countries in less than a week. WannaCry affected not only home users but also government organizations, hospitals, telecommunication providers, and universities. Once a computer is infected with ransomware, the user cannot access the files or programs at all until he pays an amount of money to the attacker within a limited period. Attackers usually demand about 600 – 1000 USD worth of Bitcoin from each computer. Now put in mind that WannaCry is not RaaS, but a conventional form of ransomware, albeit a powerful one. Ransomware falls under the RaaS category…

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Selenium Authentication with Azure

Selenium is open-source automated testing that is used for web applications across many platforms and browsers. It is also very much similar to Unified Functional Testing. Selenium does web-application automation whereas testing can be done by using the selenium tool which is known as Selenium testing. Selenium has four components: Selenium Remote Control (RC) Selenium Grid Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) WebDriver Selenium Remote Control (RC) Selenium Remote Control is used to write automated web applications against Hyper Text Transfer protocol websites with JavaScript. Selenium Remote Control comes in two parts:

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What is Keylogger?

In the basic terms, a keylogger is special software that can record keystrokes on computers. This function is added to most of the keyboards, and it generally looks harmless. But once it is in the hands of hackers, it may work like a potential tool to steal essential information. You might be interested to know how keylogger works and how it can pose a threat to the cyberspace. The article also includes details about how to protect yourself from being a keylogger victim. Keyloggers as a major security threat Keyloggers pose serious problems to the users and the sensitive data stored in their system. They may use keystrokes to track some usernames and passwords that are typed by pressing keys on the keyboard. Hence, attackers can gain easy access to account numbers, PIN codes, email IDs, passwords to online shopping, and other credentials. Once hackers are able to gain access to the personal and sensitive information of users, they can use those details to execute money transactions. Keyloggers can pose major threats to the state-owned companies and reputed businesses as well. The prime motive of the keyloggers is to interfere with the events that are controlled by key pressing, and…

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Understanding the Importance of API Testing and Why You Should Be Doing It

So what is API testing exactly and why is it important part of your app development process? First of all, let’s first define what API (Application Programming Interface) is. Put simply, an API is a set of functions, procedures, and other points of access which applications or operating systems make available to programmers that allows it to interact with other software. It’s somewhat similar to a user interface, but acts as a direct software connection to lower-level functions and operations. APIs are more complex in that usually only trained, knowledgeable programmers deal with them. With that out of the way, the next question is: what’s API testing? API testing focuses on the business logic layer of the application, which works on a much deeper level than other types of testing. This is different from GUI testing, which is able to test the look and feel of an application. Instead of using user inputs and outputs, you use software to send calls to the API. You then receive an output and note down the system’s response. Depending on the testing environment, you’ll most likely be writing your own code to test the API. Programmers should consider using an API testing tool…

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What is IoT? Different IoT platforms with a free option

We hear about the Internet of Things (IoT) for quite some time. I think it is safe to say that IoT started with the first internet message sent on 29 October 1969 over ARPANET.  It appears that Kevin Ashton first pronounced the term Internet of Things in 1999. I could be wrong, but I’m fairly sure the phrase “Internet of Things” started life as the title of a presentation I made at Procter & Gamble (P&G) in 1999. Linking the new idea of RFID in P&G’s supply chain to the then-red-hot topic of the Internet was more than just a good way to get executive attention. It summed up a valuable insight, which is still often misunderstood. Kevin Ashton

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