The Renaissance of Traditional and Retro Games: Everyone Loves a Blast from the Past

When it comes to gaming, the best memories are often enshrined in nostalgia. Depending on your age, your experiences may vary. The older gamers among us will fondly remember titles such as Space Invaders and Pong. At the same time, the new generation will look back more affectionately at the sidescrolling capers of Donkey Kong and Castlevania. In any case, we all secretly long for the days when beating end-of-level bosses was the biggest of our worries, and it’s showing. Retro and traditional games are continuing to make a comeback in a big way thanks to this need to revisit our past, as well as changes in both technology and societal norms and attitudes. The Right Kind of Board We may live in a digital world, but there’s an ever-increasing demand for face-to-face social entertainment and interaction. Between the pure, unbridled joy of rolling a die and a longing to spend a little time unplugged, some of the more traditional board games are making a comeback. The mere mention of the term “board game” can evoke memories of evicting your family and friends in a hard-fought game of Monopoly. However, there’s also been an absolute explosion of brand-new games over the last few decades and various twists on…