K-Type Thermocouples reviewed

A thermocouple is a sensor that generates an electrical potential related to the temperature. The sensor’s operating principle is based on the fact that any electrical junction between two different metals generates an electrical potential that depends on the temperature and the metals used. The principle applies equally well if three metals are used. In that case, there are two junctions in series and the net potential results from the series addition of the two individual potentials. For example, if a copper iron junction is in series with an iron-tin junction, the net potential is the same as for a copper-tin junction. However, that is only true if both junctions are at the same temperature. The K-Type thermocouple is usually made of Chromel (+) and Alumel(-). The voltage generated from this sensor is 4mV/100°C. The max temperature that can thermocouple withstand is 1000°C without any damage.