How technology orientation harms men’s health

Remember in our childhood we learned a very famous quotation, ‘Science is both a boon and a curse. It looks like today’s boon has a curse hidden in it which is visible after some time. In the 21st century, when machines occupy every aspect of life, our conscious must strike us to look at the other side of truth.  Are all aspects of technology benefitting us? Earlier, when new technologies came up, we humans were busy making our lives easier. No one cared about the impact of technology on health. But today, it is the time of sustainable development that means we should strive for technology and techniques that keep pace with nature, the environment, and of course, our health. 

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How to balance your personal life without hampering your professional life?

Is your personal life getting harassed due to your profession? Are you missing out on family commitments just because you are not being able to spend enough time with them?  Well, it’s not just you who seems to be the lone sufferer. There are many more like you who are having problems dealing with and keeping that fine balance between their familiar lives and professional lives. So how do you keep them separate and go on leading a happy and fulfilled life after all? In this article, we are going to find out how you can keep things safe and not miss out on your family’s commitments?  Remember that being too much indulged in your professional life can put up too much stress on you and thus you might end up suffering from anxiety or depression.

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All You Need To Know About Paraquat Exposure and What To Do After Being Exposed

Paraquat exposure can be dangerous, and it may even lead a person to suffer from Parkinson’s disease. Even there are laws and regulations for the same that allow paraquat victims to file a paraquat lawsuit settlement for the consequences caused due to the exposure.  But how do you get exposed to paraquat? What to do if you have recently been exposed to paraquat? If these questions are hitting your mind, then check out this guide to get acquainted with all the necessary details:

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Holiday Season Approaches for New Smartphones

The end of the year is nearly here, and for tech enthusiasts, that tends to mean one thing – some exciting news around newer releases, particularly when it comes to new hardware. The big news is still to go around the latest smartphones, which will release a little before or a little after Christmas. The rumor mill has started to turn out some expectations too – whether the hope is to see all new features aimed at improving social media engagement, more unique options that will make online gaming with some of the favorites here at growing in popularity, or new features that enhance parts of the hardware that weren’t performing the best before. Where are the most prominent rumors currently sitting, though?

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AlphaDominant: Everything you need to know about this drug

AlphaDominant is an organic cream formulated to enhance the performance of men in bed naturally. The good news is that this cream comes with various extracts from nature to help you have a memorable and satisfying intimate experience. Remember that only men can use this cream, though women can benefit from their partner’s improved intimate power. This article discusses everything about AlphaDominant.

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The Best Apps to Make Your Life Easier

There are tens of thousands of apps available for all of us to download. Some are for fun, and some are for productivity. There is also a third category, apps that make everyday problems a little bit of a lot easier. Whether it is finding out the name of a song, tracking your morning run, or just wanting to get from point A to point B, these are the must-have apps for 2022 that are going to make your life so much simpler.

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Hubble Space Telescope and its Launching Story

Space is unlimited and full of mysteries. So, still, scientists engage in calculating the accurate area of the universe. According to many, it is 23 trillion light-years in diameter, but this calculation is not valid. Though the area that we are seeing is much smaller than the area of the universe, scientists still haven’t given up exploring space and its mysteries. It is so vast that, according to some, the light won’t reach from one end to another within the age of the universe. However, scientists are still engaged in research to solve the mysteries of space. However, no scientific instruments have been manufactured to date to calculate the vastness of space and university accurately.  The Hubble space telescope has enhanced the capacity of human visibility to 94 billion light-years. This artificial space object is working as an observatory in the sky. The Hubble space telescope is known as the first major optical telescope developed by NASA and launched three decades earlier. It orbits the earth and provides outstanding pictures of space that are considered the most important images to enhance human knowledge and insights into space.

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How To Stay Productive Whilst Working From Home

Working from home has been an ideal that has been forced upon us, mainly due to Covid-19 creating a global pandemic and we have all had to work from home where possible to combat the spread of the virus. During this period, though, many of us have become too comfortable whilst working from home. Therefore productivity might have suffered, and so we thought we’d investigate some of the best ways in which you can stay productive whilst working from home. One of the most important factors when working from home is ensuring that you have a specific area in your home that you can say is your “desk” from which you will be working. It is far too easy to become too comfortable whilst working from home and sit in front of the television on the sofa, or even in your dressing gown in bed; this isn’t going to be the best way in which you can be working from home and should be ensuring that you have a specific location in your house to work, knowing you are sat there to work.

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Technologies That Have Changed The World Forever

Not that long ago, the world was a place that had limited technology; there was no such thing as smartphones and the internet, mobiles weren’t transportable, and televisions were thick and bulky. However, over the past couple of decades, we have seen technology evolve at a serious rate. Technology is now all around us and something that is only going to increase in time. So we thought today we’d look at some of the most revolutionary technologies that have changed the world forever.

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Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Musicians?

The involvement of artificial intelligence (AI) in music is currently changing the way we look at things. Who wouldn’t love to listen to a unique sound while participating in True Blue daily free spins? With the aid of AI, we can now create certain sounds or beats that we would have previously thought impossible. Fusing artificial intelligence with music is undoubtedly a good thing and perhaps the best thing for the industry. The whole music-making process has been made so much easier, not to mention the variety of advantages that comes with AI. But the question remains; artificial intelligence, about music, is faster, flawless, and more efficient than humans. Do we still need real singers? Well, let’s find out.

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