It’s always exciting when new tech emerges and takes us a step closer toward the future we see in science fiction – and whilst not all of the dreamed changes will live up to expectation, some are starting to take the form of what could be looking futuristic. The two biggest come in the form of augmented and virtual reality, with both having their own merits and drawbacks, but as tech moves forward, both will certainly play a big role in parts of our day-to-day lives. Augmented reality was first seen by many on a wider scale back in 2016 with the release of the popular mobile game Pokémon GO – taking the world by storm for summer, the game utilized AR to show the little creatures on your camera wherever you were, and whilst not necessarily immersive, did add a layer to the game that hadn’t been utilized much before. However, AR’s real uses started to emerge after this, as everyday items have started to introduce some usage. There had been a concept recently showing a metro card with AR functionality so that when it was scanned, it would show a 3D model of the metro on your mobile…
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