Useful Apps To Have When You Need To Save Important Files To Your Computer

Some people enjoy their tunes being stored in the cloud, while others want a physical disc to play. Some folk prefer to keep their files online, while others want to safely save them to the computer. It is sadly possible for a favorite YouTube video to be suddenly removed by the person or YouTube itself. While it may save our computer storage space when everything is online, there is no guarantee that it will always be accessible. USB sticks have been very popular for storing data and transferring it to different computers. They are quite small, however, and can be easily lost. It’s always possible to reformat the stick by mistake and lose everything. A person’s computer may break, and the saved data become inaccessible too. Having said that, there is a lot of sense in saving important files on a computer. There are fortunately several ways to do this, and that’s what this article is all about. 

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How To Build a Desktop Computer That Can Handle Modern Games

Sometimes, our computer hardware can’t withstand the physical demands of modern games because of the upgraded and improved graphics they display. Most game requirements can be very demanding on your PC. You need the right amount of RAM, a strong processor, a decent cooling system, and an excellent GPU. Read on to learn how to build a desktop computer that is fit for any gamer who plays modern games.

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Essential Computing Equipment

Many components go into building even the most basic of computers and considerably more when putting together a high-end gaming PC. It can get a little confusing, as there’s a plethora of hard-to-digest jargon and terminology that can isolate even well-seasoned technology buffs. Here’s a breakdown of some of the essential computing equipment needed to operate and run one of these devices. Additional components can give your PCs a boost, but regardless here is the bare minimum stuff you need to make it operational.

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Why a Degree in Computer Science Is Totally Worth It

There are so many reasons to want a high paying career. Among them includes the fact that you want to pay your bills without the extra hustle. However, one thing to note is that this doesn’t come easy. It’s like planting an orange tree and putting the work in it to ensure that the young tree is sufficiently supplied with water, nutrients, good soil, and at the end of the day, you get to sit down under it, pluck a few oranges, enjoy the shade, and enjoy the fruits your labor. This applies to a course of your choosing. There are so many courses out there but not all will be as lucrative as a computer science course. As it turns out, computer science careers are among the highest-paying jobs. By this, it means that you’ll have to put your foot forward and get your degree within the shortest time possible and get enrolled in a payroll system. Below are the reasons why a degree in computer science is totally worth it. 

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How Do You Recover Lost Data From A Faulty Hard Drive?

Imagine the following scenario: You boot up your PC, looking forward to getting some work done to realize that your HDD or SSD is corrupted, and your files are lost. The next thing you know, you are screaming and cursing in frustration! We’ve all probably experienced this situation at least once. Computers are fickle machines; one minute, yours might be working as expected, and the next, it may refuse even to boot up. In these cases, it helps to keep a level head. Fortunately, recovering lost data from a faulty hard drive is not impossible. So, instead of giving up on your precious files, check out the following tips to get them back.

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Binary Facts That Might Interest You

You have likely seen a series of zeros and ones on computer screens, in a mathematics class, or on the barcodes of certain goods and products. These patterns of the digits 0 and 1 are called binary code and are based on the binary number system. Binary code is widely used in computer processes.  The codes follow two states, on and off, which are the references for the transmission of electrical pulses representing any executable function such as calculation, writing text, or logic operations. Before this discussion gets all nerdy and too technical, it is also worth knowing some interesting facts about binary systems. Read on as we share some binary facts that might interest you. Binary Number System Drew Inspiration From An Ancient Chinese Text Who would have thought that the ubiquitous binary code that we know today shares a historical link with China? The binary number system inventor, Gottfried Leibniz, came across a classic Chinese text called I Ching or ‘Book of Changes,’ which inspired him to formulate a number system consisting of rows of ones and zeros. I Ching, a text for divination based on the principle of yin and yang duality, is an ancient binary system…

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The Importance of IT Support

Technology has become a necessary part of people’s personal and professional lives. It is also considered as one of the largest investments in every business, whether big or small. To gain productivity, companies need IT support services to stay competitive in the market.  Nowadays, businesses depend on technology. Manufacturing, sales, and accounting, human resources, among other departments, use technology to make all the processes easier to manage. The more advanced is the business process, the more you need to rely on IT to provide uninterrupted services. Given the experience and expertise of this Johannesburg managed IT services company, they always recommend evaluating and looking for IT solutions. The ones that suit best your business. Since not every organization can afford high-end technology and clients’ preferences are always changing, having the best team for IT services makes the everyday operations of businesses more reliable and streamlined. Why is IT Support important for a business to grow? How do they help solve problems of any business?

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Data Privacy and Why It Is Important To Protect Your Data in 2020

The security and privacy of data are intimately connected. Ensuring the confidentiality of data means making use of effective data security solutions. When browsing the internet, we leave behind digital traces and much information about us that can be gathered online. According to Harold Li, vice president of, ExpressVPN: “The majority of consumers still have low awareness of data security and regularly engage in online behavior that puts their personal information at risk. In an increasingly connected world, everyone should take measures to protect their privacy and security, including fundamentals like using a VPN to secure their connection, using two-factor authentication for important online accounts, checking privacy settings on social media—and doing the same for less tech-savvy people in your life.” It is essential to protect our data and privacy. Everything we do online reveal something about our real existence. And in this way, every website we enter gets to know a bit part of us.

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How to Easily Keep Track of Your Login Data

Keeping track of your login data is one of the most challenging things in advancing technology today. It is a challenge for many individuals, mostly those with poor memory, to keep track of their login data. That is why they are not adapting well. To help them and give you an idea, the following are ways to track your login data easily.

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Reasons to Major in Computer Science

Mastering computer science is essential as it is essential in many aspects of your life. It gives necessary skills for solving complex problems, building great applications that can bring high earnings, provide an advantage on the job application. Even if your future career is not computer related, having those skills will make your life much more comfortable. Mastering computer science is an excellent investment. Why not start writing the college application essay and begin studying computer science in the college of your choice. Let’s go through several points where majoring computer science may help you significantly.

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