What 2018 Holds For Technology In Dentistry

Technology is making its way into every aspect of life, being adopted by the healthcare system to improve overall performance and limit waiting times with unprecedented success. How technology is expanding is an exciting time, as it is allowing new healthcare processes to be developed in order to benefit overall customer experience. Within the post, we will be taking a look into how technology within the dental industry is changing for the better in 2018! Emergency Appointments In order to keep up with the busy lifestyles of clients, dentists have resorted to emergency appointments. While this system has been around for a while, technological advancements are helping to improve average rates of customers seen per day, helping to make Emergency Dentist London services more streamlined than ever before. With the ability to fit around a busy lifestyle and technology to help reduce the amount of pain a patient may experience, even in the case of an emergency appointment, patients are able to go back to normal in no time. Teledentistry Technological advancements have seen the opportunity for teledentistry to expand. With the American Dental Association implementing this technique, it is becoming more widely recognized.  This gives the client opportunity to…

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What is Biomedical Engineering?

We all study basic biology at school. We are taught the rudimentary facts about human and plant biology, from reproduction and the digestive system to photosynthesis and pollination. If you found biology mind-numbing, you probably didn’t pursue it past junior high, but if you enjoyed the subject, you might have elected to major in biology at college. Engineering is a different discipline, but it relates very well to biology. Do you have a passion for understanding how things work? If so, you might decide to major in engineering at college. But, if you also enjoy biology, the two subjects can be combined in biomedical engineering. So, what can you do with a master of engineering in biomedical engineering degree? Biomedical engineering is also known as bioengineering. It’s a fascinating subject, one that is very relevant in today’s world. Biomedical engineers apply the principles of engineering to biology to solve clinical problems. They are closely involved in the design of prosthetics, diagnostic equipment, and surgical systems. It’s a fascinating field, and if you have an online MEBME degree, you can command a good salary and enjoy excellent career progression.

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Using Technology For Medical Purposes

With the health care reform and medical taxes in such controversy, medical companies are turning to new and advanced technologies now more than ever to deliver cheaper, faster, and more effective products. In addition to this, you have probably seen many old medical devices get a complete makeover. Whatever the situation is, it really is no big secret that technology is completely taking the medical field by storm. Many individuals still believe that the approval process for these new technologies is unnecessary and too complex. However, it should be noted the FDA is focusing their efforts on simplifying the process. With all that being said, below, you will learn about some of these new advanced technologies and how they are changing lives.

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The Latest Uses of EEG Headsets

It seems astonishing that the story of electroencephalography, EEG, began back in Victorian times.  The first research was published in 1875 by Liverpool physician Richard Caton.  Fifty years later, the first recording of human brain activity was achieved by Hans Berger, and the EEG headset was born.  The headset detects brain activity via electrodes, information which is then converted into a visual form.  Throughout the twentieth century, electroencephalography was used almost exclusively for medical research, proving itself a handy tool on the diagnosis of epilepsy.  Rapidly developing software that enables increasingly sophisticated analysis of the data has triggered research projects looking at the brain’s reaction to a range of external stimuli. 

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New way of using Electrical impedance tomography allows visualizing lung function with high accuracy

Electrial Impedance Tomography (EIT) has been known and studied since the early 1980s. Multiple research groups have been working on various applications, including monitoring of gastric emptying, lung monitoring, lung perfusion, and cardiac and neurological function. Despite the enormous potential of EIT technology, it still hasn’t been implemented in routine clinical practice. It appears that other methods like CT and MRI are dominant. But CT is a dangerous procedure, especially if there is a need for constant monitoring. MRI, on the other hand, is expensive and not always accessible. Implementing EIT measurement is really complex due to body bioelectrical properties and small signals reaching 100µV, meaning that different impedance distributions can generate the same results. A decade ago, technology was improved that allowed the building of better EIT devices that could allow monitoring patients in the intensive care unit without side effects. A recent breakthrough was made by TU Wien, the Medical University of Vienna, and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna researchers. They included high-resolution CT images with known lung contours and other parameters in the calculation model and got promising results.

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How Medical Devices Are Helping Make Advancements In Medicine

The medical device industry is strong, and it will only get stronger as new technological advances help doctors and medical professionals improve medical research and patient care. The biggest and best technological advancements and innovations in medicine are often a huge blessing. Today’s technological advancements in the medical field help improve patient conditions more often than not. How does the medical profession benefit from today’s new technology? We’ll share the technological advancements that are improving the world of medicine.

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As Technology Expands, Medicine Often Benefits

Crunching The Numbers The human brain is a supercomputer unlike anything mankind has ever been able to design. Though technology doubles on itself every eighteen months, much how Moore’s Law describes, it has still yet to reach the potential of the mind. Still, it is advancing, and scientists believe a “singularity” will come. This singularity will be the point at which artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. Thankfully, this event horizon is still several digital twilight hours away. In the meantime, the kind of technological development seen in the 21st century is quickly optimizing medical understanding and procedures by providing practitioners the requisite tools. One of those tools is digital information compendiums kept in blogs and on niche-centered websites. The kind of information available to someone who knows what to look for is essentially endless, giving practitioners more treatment ammunition than ever. Additionally, as discoveries are made, they are more quickly disseminated.

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How Health IT is Helping to Improve the Lives of Patients

Health IT has essentially created a new ecosystem that helps improve the lives of patients while also making life easier for physicians.  In the past, if a patient was sick or needed help with anything, they either had to make an appointment to see a doctor or drop in at the emergency room.  Patients can now, however, take advantage of the technology available to speed up care. It is now possible for patients to receive a remote area diagnosis by receiving a consultation via video chat.  Patients also have access to health wearables which can help monitor everything from heart rate to blood glucose levels.  The data from these devices can be sent immediately to health care providers to ensure a patient is an inadequate health.

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Humanized Test Subjects Essential for 21st Century Medical Research

The rat race continues for a cure to cancer, the solution to Alzheimer’s, and ways to treat and prevent countless other ailments, which, despite the advanced age we live in, have not been conquered by medical research. With only so much funding to go around, the millions of dollars required to bring new cures and treatments to market are being increasingly dispersed with caution. Competition for medical research funding has always been fierce, but it’s never been fiercer than it is today. Among the deciding factors for who gets what the ability to successfully replicate or near replicate the human model down to the point-one percent of DNA, which makes each person unique, can be the deciding factor. Despite the extreme similarities between the genetics of human beings, in addition to the similarities between humans and common test subject species such as mice and rats, the success of treatments depends significantly on the individual. In short, what works to cure cancer in traditional lab mice rarely cures cancer in humans, and even what works for one person may not work for another. Such is the vital importance that point-one percent difference in DNA plays.

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A basic understanding of Medical Research

What is medical research? Medical research can be described as any research conducted with the aim of supporting and furthering the development of medical knowledge. In recent years, medical research has directly resulted in the emergence of countless new treatments and vaccines and has helped to increase scientists’ understanding of the workings of the human body and the mechanisms of diseases.

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