How Biomedical Engineers Make Surgeries Safer

The field of biomedical engineering focuses on the innovation that pertains to promoting human health. It incorporates various aspects from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, and other physical sciences. It also delves into software engineering for advanced technologies that require proprietary software. In the broadest sense, a biomedical engineer analyzes and comes up with solutions that address some needs in biology and medicine whereby it is heavily reliant on technology. One aspect of medicine where technology plays a major role in its procedure is – surgery. A biomedical engineer helps make surgeries safer in ways such as:

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What Should You Ask Before Getting Computed Tomography?

Computed Tomography scan, also known as CT scan, is a popular imaging method to take cross-sectional images of your body’s specific areas without cutting. The technique uses a computer-processed combination of several X-ray measurements taken from different angles. CT scans can detect joint or bone problems like tumors or complex bone fractures. If you are getting computer tomography for the first time, your mind is full of doubts and fear about the procedure. So, here is a list of questions to ask before getting a computed tomography scan. How Does Computer Tomography Works? To know more about computer tomography, click here. The CT imaging machine uses a narrow X-ray beam that circles a specific part of your body. It provides a series of images of the organ or part of the body. A computer uses these images and information to create a cross-sectional image of the organ or body part. The 2-dimensional image (output) shows a slice of your specific body part. The process is repeated to prepare multiple images. The computer stacks these 2-dimensional images one over another to create a detailed image of your organ, body section, bones, or blood vessels. If you have a tumor, the series…

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Breathing Trainers: Do They Actually Work?

One can never ignore the importance of good lung capacity, especially in this trying time of Covid-19. A lot of people think that a healthy lifestyle and fitness is the only thing you can do for your lungs – and while they indeed do help a great deal, there are breathing exercises as well as breathing trainers that can truly help a lot when it comes to your breathing. Learn about breathing with Breathwrk and discover some techniques on how to control your breathing to empower your mind and body. So, whether you are a smoker, an average healthy person, or a full-on athlete looking to take their performance to the next level, this article is for you. So, let’s start talking about breathing trainers.

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How Can Artificial Intelligence Help in the Fight Against Coronavirus?

Artificial intelligence is defined as human intelligence simulated in machines programmed to behave or think like humans. It can be applied in farming, security, surveillance, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and more. Many well-known companies have already started using AI, such as Amazon, Baidu, Facebook, and Microsoft. Humanity is in luck because artificial intelligence has found its place in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s how. 

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The Reasons Why We Love Gainswave Therapy In Kansas City

In Kansas City, Gainswave becomes a drug-free, non-invasive revolutionary therapy. It deploys pulsed acoustical waves and provides an innovative solution for men. With this therapy, it is easy to improve sexual performance and erection. If you are having issues in the bedroom, the situation can be really frustrating for your partner. With evrnu clinics gainswave treatment, you can avoid an embarrassing situation. Gainswave may help you to improve your overall performance and sexual function. In this way, you will get confidence and happiness in your relationship. What is Gainswave therapy? Gainswave uses low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave. This therapy is beneficial to treat the soft tissues of male genitals. The treatment repairs current blood vessels and promotes the growth of new vessels. As a result, the penis will accept more blood for better erections. Gainswave therapy is better than other treatments for ED. It is safe for every male. The procedure can effectively address the root cause of ED to decrease the chances of dangerous surgeries. By expanding current blood vessels, Gainswave can reduce a refractory period. You will experience a better erection. Moreover, you will get relief from the signs of Peyronies and Erectile Dysfunctions.

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How To Become a Successful Biomedical Engineer

biomedical engineer

Growing up, did you have an interest in how the human body worked? Maybe you even found yourself constructing and designing objects out of materials around your house? Or, you found yourself with both! Whatever the case may be, these two passions can be interwoven to form a biomedical engineering degree. Biomedical engineering solves clinical problems using engineering practices to create things such as prosthetics or surgical systems. If you want to become a bioengineer, or are in the midst of your degree, here are a few tips on how to achieve this goal! Have All The Necessary Equipment Being a biomedical engineer requires a lot of heavy-duty equipment. From 3D printing technology to incubators, these are expensive products you most likely will never have to purchase yourself. However, there are some useful pieces of equipment you can carry on you to improve your practice. One such tool is a scientific calculator that will help you with calculating measurements and using algorithms. Carry this around so you can always double-check your work and be proficient. While you’re working under a microscope with tiny materials, laser pointers are another must-have tool to help you while you design new technologies or equipment.…

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4 innovations revolutionizing the cardiovascular disease treatment in the US

The US has a severe problem with heart disease. In 2016 alone, the American Heart Association reported that cardiovascular disease (CVD) cost the US over $500 billion. A really cool infographic from Digital Authority Partners suggests that by 2035, it will cost the US nearly $750 billion. Furthermore, Simon Stertzer, M.D., a leading professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, estimates there are about 92 million American adults that are living with some form of CVD. These factors have seen medical organizations across the country working to find solutions to this ever-growing problem. There is still some time to go until they are ready, but the early signs show that this epidemic can be controlled. Here are some methods that will shape the future of cardiovascular treatment.

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How Do Bladder Scanners Work

The urinary bladder is a remarkable organ that is made of smooth muscle. It stores urine and is capable of a tremendous amount of expansion and contraction until urine is released when you go to the bathroom. When you urinate, there should be little or no urine left in your bladder. The amount that’s left in the bladder is termed the post-void residual or PVR. When post-void residual frequently occurs, immediate medical assistance is necessary to avoid problems such as an enlarged prostate, urosepsis, urethral stricture, urinary tract infections and bladder dysfunction that could lead to pain and potential damage of the renal structures. In selecting the proper procedure to be done in order to evaluate your conditions, the noninvasive manner should be first considered. Bladder scanners are now commonly used by medical experts to utilize advanced technology for assessing residual urine. This is an innovative device that prevents an invasive and costly procedure such as catheterization or cystoscopy. The bladder scanner has superseded urethral catheterization as the latter procedure has been associated with unnecessary pain and potential risks. Other additional benefits of using a bladder scanner include:

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The Future of Animal Testing

Throughout the years, animal research has evolved and advanced tremendously. Many of today’s top researchers use Studylog animal research software to track their professional findings because it helps keep the data more organized, it can be instantly analyzed, and it’s a great way to save time, money, and effort. Like most people, you might be wondering about the future of animal testing because you’d like to find out the fate of the animals. While it is definitely true that animals are being phased out of many types of research, they are still going to be used in biological, medical, and pharmaceutical research to a degree because it’s hard to perform tests without them in many cases. But we also want you to know that things are definitely changing. The use of animals in scientific research has good and bad aspects. Just know that when it’s possible to perform a study without animals, they will not be used because they are only being used when it’s essential now.

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