Interfacing rotary encoder to AVR microcontroller

Recently I was working on a project where I used a rotary encoder. I could share some thoughts on how the rotary encoder should be interfaced to AVR MCU and write a code to read its value. It is relatively easy to connect and program rotary encoders – only three wires are required to connect to the microcontroller (two for signal quadrature outputs) and one for reference GND). When the encoder knob is turned in either direction, it generates a Grey code on the outputs, allowing tracking turn speed and direction. Rotary encoder allows including a convenient user interface option with a single knob. Many rotary encoders also come with an integrated button on the knob itself – so menu navigation becomes even more comfortable. In our example project, we are going to use a 12-step mechanical rotary encoder from SparkFun. It is interfaced to ATMega32 board with graphical LCD.

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5 Tips to Find a Reliable Electronic Components Supplier

Technology is progressing at a fast pace, making more and more electronic components obsolete. New and innovative electronic components are making their way to the market, making it difficult for people to find End of Line (EOL) electronic components. And it does not help that the market is full of suppliers, including unethical ones that sell fake products to naïve buyers. People who want electronic components feel unsure where to start their search and which suppliers to trust to place their order. As a buyer, you must make informed decisions to make the right choice. Here are the tops tips to find a reliable electronic components supplier:

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How to determine which SSD Drive is better

To build a better-performing PC, it is best to use a Solid State Drive (SSD) instead of the hard disk to install the operating system and the heavily used programs. It is the best way to build a PC that gives a good performance, and also the 240/250 GiB drives are also affordable. To check whether an SSD drive works better for your PC, you can purchase a cheap one and check its performance. There are many SSD drives with varying storage like 120GB, 240 GB, and 480GB. A low-cost SSD drive from SanDisk was tested to see its performance against the other regular hard drives. The sdssda 240G G26 was used for this purpose. The model which was tested has 256 GB of total memory. However, it is sold as 240 GB since the 16 GBs are permanently reserved for over-provisioning. In the tests, the SSD Plus was compared to Crucial BX100 and the Corsair Neutron XT. The SSD Drive comes with a manual card and a frame stick, making it mechanically compatible with laptops that require a 9.5mm drive as the SSD Plus is only 7mm thick. The drive comes in a plastic casing which can easily be…

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C-60 SOLAR POWERED AIRCRAFT In this project, we are going to show you to power an aircraft from solarcells and have an uninterrupted flight for 50 minutes with the aid of a dc source excluding solar cells. The project is concerned with the uninterrupted flight by using renewable energy i.e., solar cells energy, and having a smooth and long flight without fuel to any desired place as long as the sunlight is available, on the dismissal of sunlight the dc battery source will be there to drive the aircraft. This aircraft is also capable of one to one communication for such areas where wireless communication is inaccessible. The aircraft is equipped with Xbee-S1module (Communication module), which is communicated to the Xbee in inaccessible wireless areas. The Xbee of inaccessible area fetch the data from the sensor in that area and transfers this data to the Xbee in aircraft, storing in the SD card in aircraft.  After the aircraft flight is ended the SD card data can be fetched via computer, and graph of complete analysis of that area in excel sheet.

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The Benefits and Risks of ICO

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain have changed the financial world as we know it. What started as a platform to trade cryptocurrencies has evolved into new horizons of the financial market. The crypto market now offers an opportunity to raise funds. ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a way to come up with money for a new cryptocurrency or blockchain-based project. The startup creates a white paper, which describes what the project is about, and how it will earn money. It also states the number of coins, which the initial backers will get to keep. These coins are called tokens. They are very similar to the company shares, which are sold to the investors as part of the IPO (Initial Public Offering) transactions. In case the ICO is unsuccessful, the money is returned to the investors. ICO legal advisers allowed us to take a deeper look into ICO in order to weigh all the pros and cons of the endeavor.

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The Future of Animal Testing

Throughout the years, animal research has evolved and advanced tremendously. Many of today’s top researchers use Studylog animal research software to track their professional findings because it helps keep the data more organized, it can be instantly analyzed, and it’s a great way to save time, money, and effort. Like most people, you might be wondering about the future of animal testing because you’d like to find out the fate of the animals. While it is definitely true that animals are being phased out of many types of research, they are still going to be used in biological, medical, and pharmaceutical research to a degree because it’s hard to perform tests without them in many cases. But we also want you to know that things are definitely changing. The use of animals in scientific research has good and bad aspects. Just know that when it’s possible to perform a study without animals, they will not be used because they are only being used when it’s essential now.

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How Solid State Drives Have Become So Popular

Traditional platter hard drive speed has been the limiting factor when trying to read and write data fast since the development of digital storage. While still much faster than tape or disc-based media, hard drives can’t even compare to the fast access that flash memory enables. In the past, flash memory was prohibitively expensive as a solution for long-term data storage – not mention the extremely high volatility rates and the need for a constant supply of power. The technology was just not mature enough and well understood at the time. How were the issues with flash memory solved, and how was this tech made available to the masses? Let’s look at the evolution of this critical storage solution. Some History Memory-based long-term storage devices have existed for almost as long as computers. Early iterations of solid-state drives were extremely bulky and expensive, costing millions or even billions if inflation is considered. By the time the 1980s rolled around, manufacturers and engineers had a better grasp of flash memory systems and started using them to better effect. RAM disks were a relatively uncommon alternative to hard disk drives. They are much smaller and faster than previous SSD offerings, but they…

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PHP vs Python for Web Development

PHP is undoubtedly the most popular server-side language used for web development. Over 80% of websites are developed in PHP, including popular platforms such as Facebook, Wikipedia, or Tumblr. However, recently there has been a notable popularity revival of another backend language, Python, which is also used by the big tech fish, such as Google, YouTube and Dropbox. If you’re looking to build web applications, you might wonder which language might be a better option for you. In order to decide which of these two languages can be more suitable for your project, it is worth discussing what they both have to offer. Why Choose PHP? PHP is an open-source server-side language and has a vast community of users, which gives PHP developers the possibility to join excellent support system for PHP coders and gain easy access to references, guidelines, new resources and updates, as well as extensions libraries. Bugs are also fixed at an impressive speed. PHP also offers a variety of frameworks, Symfony and Laravel being the most popular. The PHP’s syntax is similar to the C and C++ languages, two popular programming languages, so it allows for an easy, smooth transition for developers familiar with either of…

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Various Alarms and Vehicle Security Systems to Protect Your Cars

Defending your car from robbery or burglary is your own responsibility. Thousands of vehicles are thieved every year; these occurrences can be reduced by using protected securing techniques. Many anti-theft tools, security tools, etc., designed as per the most advanced technological innovation, are available at reasonable costs. Let’s discuss different kinds of car alarms for the improvement of the car’s security. Types of car alarms Factory alarms: These are provided by the original tools producers. These are built in the car during plenty of duration of manufacturing the car. They can be of two types: inactive or effective. Active alarm: These alarms need the car user to switch them on before leaving and securing the car. A car alarm can be triggered using a transmitter button, and the choice of switching on the alarm sets in the interest of the car owner/user. One drawback is that the driver needs to keep in mind to switch on/activate the alarm.

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Understanding database structure

You need a well-designed database providing reasonable access to critical information. By following the principles of this page, you can design a database that works well and adapts to your future needs. We will explain the fundamental aspects about the design of a database and how to perfect it to obtain optimal results. A well-structured database:– Saves disk space by eliminating redundant data.– Maintains the accuracy and integrity of the data.– It offers access to data in valuable ways. Designing a valuable and efficient database requires following the proper process, including the following stages: – Analysis of the requirements or identification of the purpose of your database.– Organization of data in tables.– Specification of the primary keys and analysis of the relationships.– Normalization to standardize the tables. Analysis of the requirements: identify the purpose of the database

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