Choosing best PCB manufacturer for your needs

Many PCB manufacturers offer good quality PCBs for a low price. Anyway, there may be lots of small things that may lead to a few inconveniences if your choice isn’t the best. Of course, the primary source to check out is the Internet. Customer feedback may be a good starting point to evaluate the PCB manufacturing process of the chosen vendor. Other sources worth checking are the social media, colleague recommendations, or other influences. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with trying any manufacturer with some small batch and evaluating PCB manufacturing process and building quality by yourself. There may be a different experiences for different people, and what is bad for one may be suitable for others. Evaluating the quality of delivered PCB If you decided to try a new PCB manufacturer, there are some key points that you may want to check when boards are received. Most of them are PCB quality checks. You may go through several aspects, such as: These are small and basic things that may influence the choice of PCB manufacturer. The PCB quality is the key to a successful build of the electronic device. Design your PCB while keeping an eye on manufacturer requirements…