Online gaming is a big market that is constantly growing. The smart-phone industry’s growth leads to different habits of managing money, doing business, and gaming. If earlier gaming platforms were focused on desktop machines, now they are shifting more to mobile platforms. This is a huge market, and there seems to be an intense competition.

Since gambling is easier accessible and mobile, there is a massive growth in interest in various gaming types. 2016 in the US, the market was about $240 billion. And instead of being local platforms, online casinos are spreading globally. People can choose not a single platform but use several at the same time. Having multiple accounts allows for finding the best winnings every day. Some portals may have specials offers on Tuesdays while others on other days. Having the app collection on your smartphone, you can always stay on top of winnings. Find more info here about mobile solutions and gaming apps.
The other important factor that pushes online gaming towards growth is a virtual currency. If earlier, there were only credit cards or bank transfers, now virtual currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and others make it easier for people to gamble around the world and avoid fees in currency conversion.

Virtual reality is also gaining speed. The VR glasses and helmets are good enough to experience the full potential of the virtual world. This is a new and exciting way of playing online games, interact with virtual casino staff, and feel like you are in a real casino.
Globalization makes life easier for people but harder for authorities that need to track the money flow. Collecting taxes from income made from gambling is becoming difficult. To track all things isn’t humanly possible, and there is a need for software capable of dealing with such data streams. There is no way to avoid using big data mining and machine learning algorithms to track the activity on both sides.