What to Look for in Cybersecurity Software

More people and companies are looking to invest in better cybersecurity software in the wake of escalating online threats. Both Mac and Windows users realize that their operating system’s defenses are just not good enough to secure their data and their privacy. But picking the right cybersecurity software can be tricky.

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Securing Your Science Data

There are plenty of ways to improve your online cyber security, including the usual recommendations of making unique, strong passwords. However, when it comes to precious and confidential data, further safeguards are needed. VPNs, firewalls, and anti-virus software can all help protect a computer and the network they are on. But, sometimes sensitive data needs to be shared. When this happens, the tightest controls need to be brought in. Scientific data can be precious, and it often needs to be shared with other parties, perhaps in other states or even different continents. There is a risk then of someone eavesdropping on the file transfer and data being hijacked. How then can you secure your scientific data and make sure only those authorized get to view it? 

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Protect your Writing Career with Ebook DRM

How readers experience books has changed drastically over the last 25 years. Not so long ago, copyrighted, protected content was primarily read by users in the form of physical material such as print books up to the turn of the century. However, today a large number of purely digital content is consumed via the electronic domain. And given the shift in how content is being consumed, it is likely that books would move online almost entirely sometime in this decade. Unfortunately, ahead of this curve, unauthorized book distribution, also known as online piracy, has also followed the same path. Just as physical carriers or print books are pirated, so are ebooks – and with digital content, it is a lot quicker and cheaper to duplicate and distribute. Various channels coexist today that enable the unauthorized downloading and stealing of your creative work without your knowledge. Anyone worldwide can acquire and consume ebooks without having to pay money for them through these illegal channels. While having access to the many benefits that digital technology has to offer (cost-effective, simple to distribute, easier routes to market), authors and publishers continue to languish due to poor sales. Unauthorized downloads rip authors off and…

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Why you need call screening

Have you ever sat down to analyze the number of unimportant calls you receive in one day? Think about the amount of time you waste responding to those calls. You will be amazed at how many hours are lost. This time could have been better spent on your work. That’s why Call Screening is handy because you can check the calls you receive and not answer them if necessary. In addition, there are other advantages to screening incoming calls that you will learn in this article. Identifying the caller You may wonder if it is not illogical to set up a call screening if you already have a caller ID. Caller ID show you the number of the caller, but during screening, you can see both the number and the name of the caller. This shows you who is calling and whether you should answer or not. You can check who called you on a website like check-caller.net. If you want to reject calls for a specific period of time Sometimes you have published a product and receive an overwhelming number of calls, most of which are complaining about either poor service or poor quality. During this time, you can…

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5 Ways to Seriously Cut Down on Spam in Your Email

Are you tired of Nigerian bank scams, slick-sounding invites to the ‘latest, greatest money-making schemes,’ or shocking images and videos that lead you to malware? Yeah, us too, which is why we decided to share some crucial information about these scams with you. Unless you’re willing to completely separate from the digital age, meaning that you’re ready to close out all of your email addresses and not deal with that anymore, then there’s no way to block all spam completely. There are some great filters and other strategies that you can employ, but all of them require some diligence on your part to avoid falling prey to these unscrupulous (and often anonymous) senders.

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How to keep your computers safe at home

It seems that cyber-attacks are often in the news, with companies reporting that they have suffered a data breach. If it has happened to a company with your details, you will know how scary it can be. Even your home computer isn’t safe from possible attack. With Windows and now even Apple computers being targeted with viruses, you need to make sure that your computer is safe and that all your data is safely backed-up. Here are a few ways you can maintain the security of your computer.

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Importance of ensuring your website is safe and secure

Attacks on websites are common now. For every eager programmer who learns to create a device to protect people’s digital businesses, others are only too happy to inflict trojans, malware, viruses and other online evil. Those processes can bring down a company or expose it to damage, or drain money from its funds. Perhaps sometimes it is a pure show of arrogance from a young hacker or cyber wizard, capable of showing a multi-million-pound company that someone in a bedroom in another country can infiltrate their defences. And the damage can be incalculable, to reputations and prospects. Last year alone, 20,000 customers at Tesco Bank had money stolen from their accounts, while the infamous TalkTalk breach saw a ‘mere’ 157,000 personal records compromised by hackers. These will not be the last such incidents; indeed, an attack on accounting software company Sage could “be one of the most important in UK data breach history if its scale is confirmed.”

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8 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Network Security

Securing a network is an administrator’s main priority, and with good reason. Insecure networks are open to infiltration by viruses, malware, and hackers. A dedicated threat can even bring down an entire system, costing a company time and resources. As important as it is, security is not difficult to achieve. Neither is it an expensive undertaking. Here are eight simple things that Linux for network engineers can improve a network’s security. 1) Migrate to Linux The fact that Linux experiences fewer security issues than Windows is very well-known. Migrating some desktops from Windows to Linux is an easy yet effective way of improving network security. Users who do not rely on proprietary Windows applications can migrate first. But to ensure that they continue accessing Webmail, OWA should be set up in place of Exchange. 2) Restrict the Installation of Software Users installing the software will expose the whole network to viruses and malware. Thus, only administrators should conduct installations. And if users must install anything, it must be with their administrator’s approval. Yes, they will find this frustrating, but it is necessary for network security. And it pays off dividends in the long run.

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Five Steps to Improve Your Cyber Security

Improve Your Cyber Security

Cyber security is one of the buzzwords in IT, often dominating the thoughts of IT professionals and the front pages of national newspapers and big websites. There’s no doubting that using a professional company to protect your business from cyber-attacks is the best option to choose. However, there are also some things you can do to increase your security. A great place to start is by looking through the government’s pamphlet entitled Small Businesses: What You Need to Know About Cyber Security. If you don’t have time to read through this pretty long document, though, we’ve condensed the five most important points for you, which you’ll find in the handy guide below.

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Top Questions Regarding E-Signatures You Should Know

There are several top questions for a better understanding of e-signatures. These include the legality of e-signatures, the primary laws and regulations of e-signatures, the legality of handwritten signatures and e-signatures, and the integrity of e-signatures. Now, let’s talk about the legality of electronic signatures. E-signatures have already been made legal by the government. There are several points why e-signatures are used. The benefits of using electronic signatures include practicality and efficiency. In addition to that, it can also eliminate the use of papers. Electronic signatures are also important for the integrity of certain documents.

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