How to keep your computers safe at home

It seems that cyber-attacks are often in the news, with companies reporting that they have suffered a data breach. If it has happened to a company with your details, you will know how scary it can be. Even your home computer isn’t safe from possible attack.

With Windows and now even Apple computers being targeted with viruses, you need to make sure that your computer is safe and that all your data is safely backed-up. Here are a few ways you can maintain the security of your computer.

Your internet connection

The thought of being without the internet is something many people cannot contemplate; however, do you need your internet connection on all the time? Most people will say yes because many gadgets around the home now require an “always-on” connection.

Although a target at your specific computer is unlikely, if hackers did want to tap into your computer, it would be beneficial for them if your connection was always on.

Router on your Firewall

Most internet providers now supply a router with your package. If they do, then there should be firewall software included. You need to ensure that it is a secure firewall, or you might get unwanted connections accessing your computer.

If your firewall is not particularly good, it can be upgraded by those who are tech-savvy. Otherwise, a secondary firewall on your computer can work just as well.

Anti-Virus Software

Anti-virus software is one of those issues that divide people, mainly because of the cost. Some think free versions are no good, whereas others think that the paid versions are not up to scratch.

The truth is that both have good and bad versions, but you don’t have to spend much money to get the security you need. Microsoft own version of a virus scanner is one of the best around, and it’s free.

Despite claims to the contrary, Apple Macs are also susceptible to viruses, although not as many. There aren’t too many anti-virus programs around for iOS; however, ClamXav is considered the best.

Keep everything up to date

It might be very time consuming, but keeping all of your apps and software up to date is a vital part of your computer’s security. With updates come not only bug fixes and tweaks but also patches in security loopholes. If you don’t keep your system up to date, you might find that a virus will use one of those loopholes to infect your system.


If the worst happens and you get a virus, you need to use your anti-virus software to find it. If you are lucky, then the anti-virus will find it and place it in quarantine. If not, you might risk losing data or computer functions. Companies such as help to recover data in situations that have previously seemed hopeless.

If you keep these tips in mind, then you shouldn’t have any problems with malicious viruses on your PC.

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