Benefits Of Machine Learning Text Analysis Technique in Business

As technology advances, more and more people are focusing on doing their businesses online. As a result, this has led to the growth of data science. Technologies like Machine learning (ML) enable businesses to access insights from raw data and use it to solve various business problems. Likewise, integrating ML text analysis with an existing business process ensures that the business is always up to date with business and consumer needs. Here is a list of key ways in which machine learning Text Analysis can help your business. You can see this link for more information.

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3 Things to Consider When Applying Machine Learning & AI in Test Automation

Test automation is an exciting field of software testing. More than 20 years of automation testing innovations have transformed how development teams produce, release, and maintain software applications. For testers, automation means no more dealing with boring and repetitive tests. For developers, it means not having to wait very long for feedback and release status. For project managers, automation means no sub-par application sees the light of day. Development teams pursue test automation in the hopes that it can make their work easier.

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5 In-Demand Skills Techies Must Explore In 2021

A technology professional never stops learning because there’s always something new around the corner. Adding to your skills brings immense rewards, from boosting income to improving prospects and bringing satisfaction. But you need to choose the skills wisely because learning takes time and effort. While personal aptitude should matter, do not forget to pick the ones in demand. These are worth investing in because they enhance your marketability as a professional. Here are the top in-demand skills techies must consider exploring in 2021.

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Here Is Why It Is Okay to Have Machines That Aren’t Artificially Intelligent

All over the world in boardrooms great and small can be heard talk of artificial intelligence and machine learning. AI/ML have become the short form way of writing about it because the words are used so often, it actually reduces productivity to write it out. They are no longer just words, they are buzzwords, power words. They will be mentioned in every official communication from every company. It doesn’t matter whether the subject is manufacturing or the driest pages of a quarterly report. CEOs are extremely concerned about whether their machines are learning. That’s fine as far as it goes. Machine learning is powering a lot of what the company will be doing for the foreseeable future. However, one suspects that some executives used the terms without having a strong grasp of what they really mean. No one wants to seem like they are not keeping up with the latest trends. But not every machine needs some form of artificial intelligence to be useful. No one wants an artificially intelligent hammer that makes decisions about whether or not it will pound nails. Consider these machines that are intelligent enough just the way they are:

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What Are the Risks of Artificial Intelligence and Can We Reduce Them?

We’ve all watched films that warn us about robots taking over the world. There are plenty of myths that don’t rely on rational thinking or scientific data. But there are threats that we face with the evolving variety of AI systems in place today. With the right methods, it’s possible to reduce the risks we take while using Artificial Intelligence. Here are some of the risks of AI and ways we can reduce such risks.

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Scope of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in India

Machine Learning: The use and development of computer systems that can learn and adapt without following explicit instructions, by using algorithms and statistical models to analyze and draw inferences from patterns in data. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the computer’s ability or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that humans usually do because they require human intelligence and discernment. Machine Learning is a precursor which helps create use cases for Artificial Intelligence such as Intrusion Detection, Image recognition, or categorizing data. The combination of both ML and AI has a great potential to shape the future of all technological innovations.

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Top 3 Best Hadoop Free Courses for Beginners

Would you believe it if I tell you that you are a part of one of the sources generating big data? A layperson may instantly disagree, but it is, in fact, valid for most people using smartphones. Whether you are using social media, sending money to someone online, or using a variety of mobile applications, all of your web activity leads to data generation. This data is precious to companies who want to understand their customers better and provide personalized services. For example, eCommerce giant Amazon uses your shopping history and past product search data to recommend you related products you are most likely to buy. Research shows that we generate around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day, which is quite huge! Well, you may wonder how can such a massive amount of data be handled. This is where Hadoop comes into the picture. Apache Hadoop is one of the earliest open-source tools to offer storage and large-scale processing of big data. As mentioned in, Hadoop is a framework that allows for distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. Various companies and organizations use Hadoop for research as well as production. 

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How to prepare for a Data Science Interview?

Do you have a data science interview coming up and want to know how to prepare for it? If so, you have already made some progress. Getting an interview means you have gone through the initial stages of the hiring process. This includes applying for a job and submitting your resume. You may also have taken a technical and aptitude test. Given that you have been selected for the interview, you would want to be well prepared to impress your potential employer. Below are some tips to help you crush your data science interview and land the job you aspire. 

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Deep Learning vs Neural Networks

Data science has become a part of our lives directly and indirectly. Its wide range of applications in our daily lives includes intelligent devices like Amazon’s Alexa, Siri, meteorological forecasting, customized advertisements, chatbots, recommendations on different websites, and so much more. It is really fascinating how we all have shifted to this era of data. It has revolutionized every industry and organization in some way. And, it continues to do so by adding new functionalities and providing better outputs and customer satisfaction. The multi-dimensional approach to data science has made life easier on so many levels. Nonetheless, it is not fully explored and offers a great scope of research and development. No doubt there is a high rise in job opportunities in his domain. Terms like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Deep Learning are often used interchangeably and lead to confusion among common masses. Here, we address two of these technologies, deep learning, and neural networks. Let us consider them individually.

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