Human Power Generators

The developments in the field of science and technology have cashed heavily over the existing sources of power. This has slowly depleted the non-renewable sources of power, such as power from the burning of fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. Researchers and scientists have also scoped that if existing fossil fuels exist, this may degrade fossil fuel sources and leave future generations’ survival under the spot of bother. This, in turn, has churned scientists and professionals’ minds in the field of science to strategize new ways of developing power. This made scientists postulate the significance of renewable sources. Researches were carried out worldwide to mobilize the thoughts of using renewable sources in daily life to substitute the existing sources of power. This laid to develop human power generators that help to produce power by establishing contacts between work done by a human being and simple manifestation of awe-inspiring thoughts to transform as generators. This has provoked several manufacturers to materialize human power technology into simple gadgets to make people enjoy the fruits of advancements in science and technology. Physiological features Certain physiological features establish suitable use of scientific advancements. Human power generators have certainly complacent internal configuration with highly durable…

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Future Robots Are Ready To Replace Human Beings

Robots are one of the most significant milestones in the field of science and technology. They are ready to replace human beings. They can even be a friend to you or a companion when you need someone. Japan is one of the birthplaces of most robots. In Japan, people are trying to design a robot that can even show emotional reactions like fear, anger, sadness, disgust, happiness, and even surprise. When you say a word like ‘war’ to the robot, he immediately shows the emotion of fear, and when you say love, the robot smiles with its pink lips. What more do you expect an assembled metal and wires to do? The future of robots is extensive and more sophisticated uses. Researches are going on to bring about a robot to monitor farming. The robot would know the need of the plants and act based on that. When a plant needs water, the robot will water them, or if the plant needs nutrients, it would be supplied by the robot. So the robot is not restricted to the computer field and heavy machinery industries, motor industries, and paddy fields.

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Farm Robots

How about pressing a button to get the food for you or order the robot to bring a coffee. Life is sophisticated now. We have robots for everything. One important field that is indispensable is farming. There are many evolutions and extinctions in the various fields, but farming is the field that needs to flourish always since it is one of the sources of food for human beings. How about even farming is sophisticated controlled by an intelligent robot. This would be one of the milestones in the field of farming and the field of robotics. Researches are going on in these topics to build a robot that can manage a field, water plants and manage its own requirements.

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Are we bionic?

Bionic refers to applying biological ways and systems seen in nature to design and study the engineering systems. A bionic human would refer to human whose worn out parts can be repaired and refitted into the body. We cannot say that the whole of the human body is replaceable, but most parts can find replacements. There are replacements for human bones, teeth, vertebral discs. All these can be designed as per persons size and age. The tailored pants can be drawn in a few hours in a 3D printer to fit into the damaged parts. A device can even print a bone using a porous polymer that looks very real. The artificial bones may not be perfect and same as the natural bones. To give strength, we can add titanium powder with a laser. This would create pores on the bones, and the pores would be of different size and depth, making it look more natural, and these pores give strength and stiffness to the artificial bones. There are ways even to improve implants enabling tissues and bones to regenerate. There are lab results showing cartilage growth through artificial ways in labs. By such a process even damages such as…

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What Is An Atomic Clock?

The atomic clock is a kind of clock that utilizes atomic resonance frequency as its timekeeping feature. These clocks show the exact time and frequency standards and are identified as the primary standards for international time and manage and organize the frequency of the television broadcasts and GPS satellite services. The atomic clock uses the resonance frequency of atoms as its resonator. A resonator is operated by the frequency of the microwave electromagnetic radiation absorbed or emitted by the molecule or atom’s energy change. Thus an atomic clock generates standard frequencies. These are installed at various sites to show time signals. Alpha navigation transmitters and LORAN C. Atomic clocks are very useful in long wave and short wave broadcasting stations to deliver an exact frequency that can act as the standard frequency. Also, atomic clocks have been used in a long-baseline interferometer in radio-astronomy.

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Technologies That Fight Global Warming

Global warming is a significant threat to people and the earth. It is an increase in the earth’s surface air and the oceans. Earth now finds it difficult to breathe because of the concentration of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are essential to the earth’s environment. It effectively traps heat in the lower atmosphere and radiates the heat the planet needs. Without greenhouse gases, our earth’s temperature would be 0o F or -18oC instead of 57°F or 14°C. Are we aiding in the enhancement of the greenhouse gases or going against it and making it worse? Man has caused the most damage to greenhouse gases. Through the combustion of oil, coal, and gas, human activities have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Pollution is the biggest human-made problem. Another main problem the cause of global warming is population. To fight global warming, scientists have found different ways to solve the problem. The use of technology in fighting global warming is one of the means to reduce global warming.

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Use of Nanotechnolgy

People are very much astonished by the fact that people can engineer at the level that is not at all imagined. Nanotechnology provides the user to play with a variety of components present in the world. The nanoscience engraves certain unique features associated with the development of science. It revolves around certain intricate topics such as manufacturing at the nano level and then engineering components at the nano level. This may involve an improved skillset from the working community. The works of various researchers involve the use of nanotechnology in day to day life. The people worldwide may appreciate the use of Nanotechnology in production of carbon tubes used for various engineering applications if it is feasible. But it is known that nanotechnology’s use to produce such a small component is practically impossible, but this statement is proved wrong in recent years.

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Mind/Though Controlled Robot Arms

The human mind is an excellent feature of God’s creation. Only with our mind, our body parts are controlled and made to do certain activities. Thus, when a person is brain dead, he cannot move his body or lift his arms and legs. The mind is the main thing needed to make the whole body function more effectively. Now, according to the new research study, the human mind can control robot arms. Robot arms are fitted to persons who have lost theirs in an accident or through some other means. For those who are disabled, just a mere robot arm which does actions only when a button is pressed doesn’t help. To make a more efficient and effective robot arm, scientists have created a robot arm that can be controlled by the person’s mind. The mind is used now though to control robot arms. The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago introduced the first woman to be fitted with robot arms or bionic arm technology. This woman met with an accident, and her left arm was amputated from the shoulder. She has now been fixed with a robot arm with which she can now think and make the arm do the things…

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Invisibility Technologies

Invisibility is often used in movies to express a magical feeling in the minds of the viewers. The word ‘invisible’ itself is magical and needs a lot of connotation. When something is invisible, it creates a magical effect and a questioning mind, and this makes the viewers probe into the field of invisibility technology. Really is there something called invisibility cloaking? Fictional movies have used invisibility cloaking to make something disappear for some time, and when the cloak is removed, the thing or the person appears again. In 2008, a physicist named Michio Kaku prophesied that a feasible invisibility device like the ones used in Star Trek could emerge from research laboratories. He also quoted David Smith of the Duke University who had used meta-material to bend light around an object. He also quoted that German scientists have found that a meta-material can make the red light around the object.

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Fuel Cell Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

In this age of technology, there is a development every minute in almost all the fields in one regard or the other. Such a significant result in a lot of alternate energy is the Fuel cell. A fuel cell, in simple terms, is an electrochemical energy generating device. It has been one of the most fascinating and interesting aspects of today’s world’s technology. Many things are yet to be developed in this field, and there are a huge scope and application for these Fuel Cells. These fuel cells are being under research by many people all around the world. Construction and Working There are many different types of fuel cells. But the basic construction and working of a fuel cell are the same, and the concept behind it is also the same. The Fuel cell works on the principle that energy is produced when some chemical reaction occurs. If this energy can be tapped, it can be converted into practical means. In a conventional fuel cell, the reaction occurs between hydrogen and oxygen, and water is formed. This is the primary chemical reaction that happens, and energy produced by this is tapped through proper channels and used for several applications.…

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