Top 6 Countries for IT Outsourcing

IT outsourcing is prevalent nowadays, and it is not surprising, as it allows getting quality IT solutions for a lesser price. Many countries offer IT outsourcing services, and cooperation with each of these countries has its pros and cons.

Here is the list of the top 6 countries for IT outsourcing. This list is based on the following determining factors:

  • resources and costs
  • IT talent, skills, and experience
  • in economic and business environments.


India always wins the competition when it comes to IT outsourcing. India is a pioneer of offshore outsourcing and has the greatest experience in this sphere. Today, over half of the IT outsourcing business is concentrated in India.


Indonesian IT specialists work in virtually every IT field. However, most of them are engaged in the call center market. The Indonesian government enacted laws to liberalize current economic policies to make the country more eligible for the offshore outsourcing market.


China offers outsourcing services in all business areas, and IT is undoubtedly among them. The Chinese IT outsourcing industry is characterized by quick development and many skilled specialists.


This is one of the best destinations for IT outsourcing. Several notable companies have proven this, including Microsoft, IMB, Credit Suisse First Boston, Citibank, and Hewlett-Packard, which have chosen Singapore as their offshore home. Singapore is known for its favorable business environment and quickly developing outsourcing market.


This is the first non-Asian country on the list of the best destinations for IT outsourcing. The Estonian IT outsourcing industry is one of the most stable in the world. The country’s IT outsourcing market includes around 1 hundred companies with over 2.800 IT experts and is valued at approximately 130 million dollars.


This is another non-Asian country offering quality IT outsourcing services. The main advantage of IT Outsourcing Ukraine is the number of qualified IT specialists working there. By the number of qualified developers, Ukraine holds the third position globally. Ukraine’s IT experts offer a wide range of services. They create IT solutions of premium quality and charge a reasonable price for their services. is one of the best representatives of the Ukrainian IT outsourcing market. Detailed information about the offered services is listed on the company’s website.

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