DIY AVR Graphical LCD test board

Once I’ve got several HQM1286404 graphical LCDs around, I decided to build a prototyping board where I could easily plug LCD to it, read data via ADC and display graphs, and plug keypad if needed for some menu functions. Earlier, I tested graphical LCD on prototype breadboard but dealing with multiple wires (GLCD needs 20) resulted in many failures. It is OK to do simple tasks, but more complex applications require a more stable platform. So here it is: This type of GLCD is a standard 128×64 pixel matrix controlled by the KS0108 LCD controller. I have a smaller non-common pin-header where pins have 2mm step, so I had to draw it for Eagle library, which you will find in project files. I decided to make a simple circuit so it could fit in 100x50mm single-sided PCB. As base MCU, I used Atmega16, which can be replaced with Atmega32, which is pin-compatible with Atmega16 have more data memory.

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Build Piconomic Atmega128 development board by yourself

First of all, I have ordered to make PCB by using a milling-drilling plotter. Of course, I could make the board by myself, but I wanted to save some time and nerves in case of errors. After one week my board was shipped to me: Then I bought all parts needed. One thing that didn’t go well was that I couldn’t get capacitors and resistors in SMD packages 0603, so I used 0805 to lie on the side.

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