Setup AVR Eclipse plugin to work with WinAVR

Probably many of you (including me) are using Programmers Notepad or AVR Studio to set up AVR projects. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. For instance, Programmers, Notepad is a great GUI, but there are many manual routines required to start compiling projects – like setting up makefile, creating file dependencies, etc. AVR Studio is a great solution that generates makefiles automatically, and it has a great simulator for immediate debugging. So why would we need another IDE? Actually, Eclipse IDE is one of the best open-source tools that programmers widely use – so it is optimized for managing projects, code writing with auto-complete functionality. So why not give it a try. So let’s set up an Eclipse environment to work with AVR. First of all, let’s download Eclipse from site. Choose Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers as we want to program AVR in C. Open it (no need to install), then go to HELP->Install New Software… Click Add… and in the Add Site dialogue box, enter the URL where the AVR Eclipse plugin is located ( )

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Machine vision faster than human eye

Machine vision is more compact when compared with the other equipment. These equipment types are extensively utilized to develop more organized manufacturing operations carried out at the shop floor without any confusion. The machine vision system is a combination of imaging and controlling hardware that can influence the more complicated equipment utilized in manufacturing like robot-arms. The robot arms are to be calibrated concerning the positional deviation allowed in a particular workstation. Hence precise monitoring of the working of such equipment is necessary. The inspection process greatly relies on utilizing the machine vision system to mobilize better results in the overall production process. Inspection is considered to the shop floor’s life and can greatly decide the operation’s outcome in many ways. Inspecting relatively tiny and but the machine vision systems carry out active components like IC chips. They are supplied with imaging equipment like the camera to focus the change in the position of the component that is to be measured. This setup is employed to monitor the assembly lines carrying the supply of the raw material or finished goods traveling at a constant speed towards the successive workstations.

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How does 3D scanning work?

Scanning is considered to be one of the most challenging jobs to be performed by equipment.  It creates natural coordinates compared to the general coordinates as specified by the component’s general topography. These use specifically implicate the concept of triangulation. This concept depicts the usefulness of defining the object based on the input signals obtained by the three sensors placed at a specific angle and positional difference. The designers and professionals work 24×7, and their business is to deliver relevant data to the consumer environment. The marketing tool for the 3D scanner is a website where the professional enhance the power and image of consumer and make it easy. Graphics, contents, and colors are incorporated into a functional website for easy direction-finding. The information collected will not be revealed, disclosed, and shared with other hardware systems available with the 3D scanner. All identifiable personal data are ordered depending on the utilization of the service of the scanner. It might sound astonishing, but it is confirmed that many big software companies don’t rely on investment in new technology. For attaining adequate profit, they depend on third-person share and software.

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Deadly electromagnetic waves

Science has bestowed some real bountiful things that can play a vital role in daily life. The concept of electromagnetic waves originated from the evolution of material waves. The electromagnetic waves can be produced in intricate ways that can be costly by all means. Electromagnetic waves ionize the surrounding air to carry out certain immaculate operations, creating a defining magnetic field with the available volumes of the electromagnetic waves. The dependence on electromagnetic waves has brought in particular known and unknown implications endangering the person’s life in the process. They can be helpful in creating useful cracking of the bonds, enabling better performance of the compound. They are helpful in the magnetizing and demagnetizing of the particular material based on the person’s requirement.

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Blue Laser – The New Alternative Treatment for Autism Care

Life as a human being is full of many unpredictable events. We always have the risk of getting numerous types of diseases at any time. Although health and medical’s technology have been growing in leaps and boundaries, many conditions remain uncured until today… A recent study has been shown that the blue laser has the power to cure autism. A research group from MIT had carried out an experiment where they shined the blue laser onto a live mouse brain directly. They discovered that the gamma waves are triggered in the mouse’s brain, where the primary brain wave can be used to cure autism. The research group called the specific neurons that trigger gamma waves “Fast-spiking interneurons.” Although scientists have known about gamma waves for over decades, they’ve lacked the technology to prove their theory. They also mentioned that people with autism are mainly caused by the inadequate gamma waves in their brains. One of the best solutions to overcome this problem is to trigger gamma waves in people with these psychiatric conditions as soon as possible! More research has to be done before the blue laser could cure autism in the future. [discovery]

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Top 5 Magnificent Implants!!

In the present era, medical implants have advanced at an amazing pace. Many new technologies have been used in this field, and operations such as radioactive seed implant, erections being created using hydraulics, plugging of a heart into a wall have been successfully performed. Here are the top 5 exquisite implants being picked. 5. Radioactive Seed Implantation These implants are called brachytherapy. They are used to cure early-stage cancer. This is performed by implanting small-sized radioactive seeds into the prostate using a needle. These seeds emit radioactive radiations, which are similar to external radiations. These emissions attack the tumor. The radiation travels for a short distance and does not affect the prostate region, unlike radiotherapy. 4. Bionic Eye Nowadays, restoring sight can be performed in many ways. One of the most reliable and the best methods for the above operation is the Bionic Eye.

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Is green technology really green?

We must understand clearly what green technology is before we get into whether green technology is really green. Green technology means using the technology so that it will not affect the environment and will not harm the natural resources. They should be environmentally friendly.  This green technology is being otherwise referred to by the term clean technology or environmental technology. At present, green technology can be considered to be in the initial stages of development. As the years turn around, green technology will become very bright in the future, and there will be some improvement in the standards of the environment. Hence, green technology’s significant objective is to find technological ways to damage the earth’s resources. Green technology aims to produce materials, which can be recycled and also can be reused. It also fins the technology such that the amount of the waste gets reduced during the consumption and the fabrication stages. Types of the green technology There are many green technology categories, which are energy, preferred purchasing, chemistry, building, and Nanotechnology. Since green technology is concerned with the production of advanced materials, Nanotechnology can be considered the essential green technology step. It is concerned with the materials’ science on…

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The Cheapest Automatic Pool Water Filler!

You do not want to waste hundreds of dollars when buying a pool water filler, but you desperately need one to maintain your swimming pool water clean? Well, your wish is granted, as today you’ll have a chance to build an automatic pool water filler, originally designed by Jon Rutlen. The point is that this pool water filler is extremely cheap – it only cost you less than $15! Yep, that might sound unbelievable, but it’s the truth. This device is simply incredible, it automatically adds water to your pool when it gets below a specified level. Here are steps on how to build this incredible filter: First of all, you have to cut the vertical piece of pipe, which is used to hold the entire assembly over the side of your pool. Next, add two 90-degree elbows to the vertical piece. Then, epoxy toilet valve into 90-degree elbow. Remember to cut two shorter lengths of PVC pipe and insert one into each of the 90-degree elbows on the vertical piece. Assemble the coupler, attach the hose coupler and toilet valve to vertical assembly.

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What artificial intelligence can do these days?

Artificial Intelligence is part of a computer science program that deals in making machines behave and perform operations that a human being can commit. People have been trying to make devices behave like humans for a very long time, and today, with the help of advanced computing, people can achieve it. Artificial Intelligence, in short, is termed AI. There are various departments where Artificial Intelligence can be extensively used. Out of all departments, the defense is one area where the artificial department has been widely used. Gaming is another department where artificial intelligence is getting used. Gaming is prevalent among youngsters, and when these machines start responding to human beings’ requests, people get more excited. There is both advantage and disadvantage in Artificial Intelligence. One of the significant benefits is that by using artificial intelligence technology, we can make machines perform human activities, thus minimizing human labor. You can use devices to perform work that human beings found difficult. Nowadays, human beings can sit in their office and control their house computer. Not one researcher can invent an artificial intelligence system, and it takes years to build a proper and advanced artificial intelligence system.

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