How to Use Your Writing Workspace without Discomfort

Generally, most writers and students engage in writing while sitting down except a few that prefer the standing position or lying down. In this wise, investing a considerable amount of time and money in setting up the workspace is paramount. It is an investment that you will reap the benefits immediately and later in the future. You will be grateful for making that decision. Finding the best academic writers for your papers is easier, unlike before. Consider the suggestions below for optimizing your writing workspace.

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Airbus and the Realization of Bionic Design

Five years ago, no one could have predicted the impact that slime mold would have on the air travel industry. This was when the idea for a bionic-design partition for Airbus first came to the forefront. Engineering designers at Airbus took advantage of 3D printing and generative design software to create the bionic partition for its Concept Cabin. The partition is the only thing that separates passengers from the flight crew. Airbus’ new lightweight design allows greater access for emergency personnel to bring in stretchers. The ability to neatly tuck the partition out of the way means that medics can get sick or injured people off the plane in a hurry. At a weight of 66 pounds, the partition serves as a fold-down chair for the flight crew during take-offs and landings. As impressive as all of this is, what has truly caught the attention of the flying public is the fact that the entire partition is made of slime mold. This enables it to be 45 percent lighter than the typical airplane partition. The Power of Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing The Airbus project combines generative design and additive manufacturing to showcase the bionic design of the partition. This…

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The U.S. and the Changing World of Medicine

There is no doubt that as everything else is evolving with new technology, medicine is too. The issue is that in the US, our medical system is broken, and the insurance companies are too rigid. Doctors and other medical personnel have managed to work despite these difficulties and still provide excellent patient care, along with successful new techniques. With the advance of biomedical research, doctors will be able to better tackle health issues in ways that are cost-effective. Automation is only one area where there is new technology coming to the fore. Because of this advancement, linear actuators are being used more often than hydraulic and pneumatic systems. They range in size from very small to huge ones. Aside from the changes that technology has seen, there are quite a few other reasons that have made these actuators necessary, such as the ever-growing need for power-assisted seating and motorized wheelchairs.

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The Blockchain Could Change the World

Regardless of your opinion of Satoshi Nakamoto’s cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, the technology behind it is revolutionary. Known as blockchain, all Bitcoin transactions are permanent, anonymous, and virtually impervious to tampering and fraud, making it superior to conventional recordkeeping systems. Invented in 2008, Bitcoin has grown into a legitimate currency accepted in many places online and the high street. It found an early adopter in iGaming websites, some of which now accept Bitcoin exclusively for their video poker, sports betting, and roulette games. The website, for example, also offers a Bitcoin ‘faucet’, where players can ‘mine’ currency.

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3 new ways technology is helping to advance medicine

Imaging Cameras improving cancer surgery Every year, 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer; of those, around eight million will die. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide; across the globe, doctors and scientists are fighting to reduce the number of cancer deaths by detecting cancer early and promoting new ways of battling it. In the past, imaging technologies such as radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography have proved vital in the fight against cancer, helping doctors to diagnose the disease quickly to increase the chance of recovery. Now, near-infrared fluorescence (NRF) has emerged as a new, powerful imaging tool in the battle against cancer. NRF imaging is used during surgery to enable surgeons to distinguish between healthy tissue and cancerous tissue easily. Surgery is a highly effective method of treating cancer patients, but its success rate depends largely on how much of the cancer is removed; if cancer cells remain in the body after surgery, the surgery’s success rate is greatly diminished. Advocates of NRF hope the technique will give surgeons greater visibility of cancer margins and increase their ability to remove cancerous tissue precisely. Companies such as are researching how we can implement…

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The Revolutionary Role Of E-Learning In Medicine

What makes a good physician? When a patient recommends their doctor to someone else, why do they do it? Do they do it because the doctor has a wonderful bedside manner? Do they do it because the doctor is extremely well qualified? Do they do it because the doctor has been preparing for medical school? While these reasons may have played a role, they are all incidental. Often enough, the patient may not even know much about their doctor’s educational background at all. The primary reason why patients recommend their doctor to family and friends is because the doctor provided an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan. In other words, the doctor knew what to do. A knowledgeable doctor is a good doctor.

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Buy new or upgrade non-gaming PC?

There is no secret that everyone would like to have the newest technology in their hands. This applies to computers and cars, appliances, phones, and anything else you can think of. Let’s leave the rest and stick with computers. There are many types of people, depending on how they use their PCs. I can think of gamers, hardcore gamers, browsers, active social networks, movie watchers, writers, designers, scientists, and even more. Actually, it doesn’t matter how many groups there are or what they do. It matters if you are satisfied with what you get. Probably the most complex life is for gamers. To play the latest games with the best settings, they must be in front when speaking about computer performance. If the budget allows them to invest in high-end graphical cards, overclocks CPUs that need sound cooling systems. Big monitor or multiple of them is also one of the priorities. If you fall into this category, then you all set for the rest workload you can think of.

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8 Reasons Why EVs are the Future of Transportation

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are quickly becoming a leader in the automotive industry. With increasing concerns about pollution levels worldwide and the rise and fall of gas prices, taking a greener approach to our transportation is the clear solution. If you’re intrigued by an ultra low cost, low emissions answer to our gas-guzzling vehicles, you’ll want to check out the below infographic created by Auto Loan Solutions. This informative and interesting infographic demonstrates the revolution of EVs, and how this evolved from a trend to reality. This infographic proves that concerns about the reliability or power of these vehicles have no basis. By 2040, EVs will make up 35% of new car sales. EV charging stations are becoming as readily available as gas stations – currently surpassing that of gas stations in Japan.

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Building and evaluating Naive Bayes classifier with WEKA

This is a follow-up post from previous where we were calculating Naive Bayes prediction on the given data set. This time I want to demonstrate how all this can be implemented using the WEKA application. I highly recommend visiting their website and getting the latest release. WEKA is a compelling machine learning software written in Java. It is a widely-used and highly regarded machine learning software that offers a range of powerful data mining and modeling tools. It provides a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both experienced and novice users. Weka offers a wide range of algorithms and data pre-processing techniques, making it a flexible and robust tool for various machine learning applications, such as classification, clustering, and association rule mining. You can find plenty of tutorials on youtube on how to get started with WEKA. So I won’t get into details. I’m sure you’ll be able to follow anyway.

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The importance of HTML5 for web developers

Web developers value reliability, and HTML5 provides that. Gone are the days when Flash was a popular resource, as it gradually faded behind the power of HTML5. Later this year, Google is set to diminish its already tenuous relationship with Flash even further as HTML5 continues its growth in popularity among web developers.   We are going to take a look at why HTML5 is so popular and what it can be used for. We will also discuss the forthcoming Google move towards making HTML5 the default option when people visit a website and how this could be the beginning of the end for Flash.

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