3 Python Programming Projects for Beginners

If you’re looking to find a skill that’s in high demand, you might want to consider programming. Understanding code and different programming languages are one of the most in-demand skills now, and it’s likely to continue to be so in the foreseeable future, in all industries. It can be hard to start, though, with so many different languages and disciplines. If you’re looking for a programming option that can do many things and is very popular, think about Python, the fastest-growing programming language. It can take a lot of time and hard work to learn the Python programming language, but endless resources can help. If you’ve already started learning Python and you want to test your skills yourself, consider taking on a small project. You’ll find that you’ll learn a lot more from working with the language than just reading about it. Read on for a few different programming projects you can do as a Python beginner to hone your skills.

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What Is SEO? Search Engine Optimization and How It Works?

Have you heard about SEO? It’s a most common word that’s being used in the online world! SEO is not a term but a whole concept in itself. No problem if you’re new to this term. Today, in this article, we’ll tell you what SEO is and how it works. So, continue reading this article because something exciting is coming your way. Before getting to the nitty-gritty of it, let’s find out what SEO is. What Is SEO? Search Engine Optimization, short term SEO is an activity that is performed to improve your website ranking in search engines to get organic traffic. When a person searches for a specific term on Google or other search engines, they show those websites that they consider are the most relevant and authoritative. Authority of a site measures by strong analyses of quality links from other website pages. Here’s a list of steps you can perform to get better ranking in search engine:- Writing quality, highly engaging, exciting, and useful content. It should contain those words that people mostly search for over the internet. Write your content in a way it attracts the audience and provide them with a solution to their problems. Regularly…

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Why You Should Change Your Default Search Engine

It’s weird how the Internet evolved backward. We started out settling it a domain at a time. Everybody had their own little web hamlet, their own home page. Every company started their own little site and online commerce portals. There were millions of sites to go discover, each of them a rabbit hole promising boundless novelty. Funny novelty sites popped up. Everybody was happy. Then, something happened. A handful of websites grew to become Internet monopolies. We went from a galaxy of options down to a handful. Nobody linked to anything anymore, they just stayed on one social network all day. For most users, their world is Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter. Even though these platforms obtain high traffic, they are not the only ones. There are many Alternative Search Engines to Google, that offer privacy, and don’t store personal user information; others even save the planet while searching by giving their revenue to planting trees around the world. The problem with only using one search engine all your life is that you never get to see most of the Internet. Targeted ads, biased search results, censorship of anything the sponsors deem inappropriate, these all shape your reality. To shake…

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Oculus Rift Extension Cables

Market studies report that almost 52% of Oculus Rift users use a play area of roughly 54 sq ft for playing VR games. However, to get the most out of VR gaming technology, you’d need a larger space. Since the Rift has to be set up with a gaming PC or compatible laptop, the network of cables could restrict movements, especially in a small room. So, what is the best way to avoid tripping over the mess of tangled heap of cables? Undoubtedly, the most practical approach would be to extend the headset cables connected to the external sensors. And fortunately for you, it’ll make you lighter by roughly $20-$22 for extending the wires on the headset and as much for the sensor extensions.

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Users can Help Save Gorillas by Recycling E-waste

Imagine the largest mammals in the world (Gorillas) go into extinction because you want to use the latest iPhone? Well, this is possible because large amounts of coltan (substance phone companies have to mine to produce mobile phones) is used in the production of mobile phones. Also, this substance is found in the natural habitat of these mammals and under their skin too. This mining has caused the death of many Gorillas. There are many users of mobile phones in the world today—over 4 billion. Now, imagine the amount of coltan that had to be mined for the production of all those phones. The average user in the United States enjoys being able to change their phones (iPhones, especially) once in every 18 months. This means more coltan has to be mined for more new phones to be produced for users. The Solution Users can now help in saving Gorillas, and the only way out is to embrace recycling of old phones. If as a user, I need to upgrade my iPhone to the latest model, instead of carelessly dumping your old iPhone, I would sell my iPhone through online companies that sell old phones. This way, parts of my…

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6 Things You Should Consider Before You Get Started with Coding

It’s interesting to see how much coding and programming have both grown in popularity over the last few years. What seemed to be out of reach for most not too long ago has been greatly democratized thanks to the various tools at our disposal today. However, while coding is becoming easier to dabble in, becoming a great programmer is not something that happens overnight. And while some will try to make you think otherwise, it is not an easy art to master. Before you decide to start coding, here are a few things you should consider first. You’ll Need Some Help Whether you decide to go the traditional route and get an actual degree or become a self-taught coder is your decision. But know that you’ll never become a great coder by checking a few YouTube videos and checking a few tutorials online. You will need someone to guide you along the way to make sure that you don’t replicate some errors that could end up affecting your codes and programming. That doesn’t mean, however that you absolutely have to go to school to be a good coder. There are plenty of courses and tutors out there for any level…

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Top Luxury Watch Brands in the World

Designer watches exhibit elegance and luxury. When you buy premium watches, you look for elegant design, top-notch quality, and reliability that lasts a lifetime and premium watches assure you the same. If you are looking for premium watches, you can be confused by the abundance of option that is available in the market today. Below we have highlighted a couple of luxury brands that offer watches that are nothing short of masterpieces

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How TestOps is Revolutionizing the Design and Manufacturing Process

The process of manufacturing a new product, particularly of an electrical nature, is littered with complex steps involving a number of teams with differing expertise. Beginning with design and leading all the way up to product release, the path is dependent on a whole host of data being shared diligently to ensure development opportunities are maximised. Measurements should be taken at every stage which involve everything from the product’s capacity to trial performance, ensuring that possibilities are explored before the product is finally released on the open market. It can be a stressful process too with tight deadlines and budget constraints meaning that development is often performed with one hand tied behind the back. “Thankfully the approach of Test Development Operation (TestOps) – implementing technologically advanced software which measures every step of the design and manufacturing process, sharing critical data along the way – is leading the charge in streamlining these processes, creating an open, sharing culture which truly maximises development possibilities,” enthuses Mark T. Burnett, a TestOps developer at Australian help and Paper Fellows.

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Canada is known for its characteristic excellence – only a couple of countries on the planet can flaunt anything near its abundance of woods, lakes and mountains. With its scanty population and extreme weather conditions, it is a nation filled with multicultural people and has globally renowned universities. These universities have world-class facilities and are home to many international students. Canada has always been a top choice for students to study in Canada due to its curriculum and the way it shows that there is unity in diversity.  Are you planning to pursue the course of your choice in your dream college in Canada? Here is a list of the top 10 colleges in Canada and you’ll surely want to check them out!

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How to Plan Your Hardware Projects

The availability of rapid prototyping and other new technologies has made hardware-based projects a lot more accessible. You don’t have to be a large entity or corporation in order to experiment with your own hardware. In fact, the entry barriers to hardware innovations are relatively low with the resources available to today’s inventors. In order to have a fruitful and successful project, you need to plan your hardware project carefully. There are a few potential challenges to anticipate and preparations to be made as you plan for your own hardware project, and we are going to review some tips and tricks to get you started in this article.

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