Is green technology really green?

We must understand clearly what green technology is before we get into whether green technology is really green. Green technology means using the technology so that it will not affect the environment and will not harm the natural resources. They should be environmentally friendly.  This green technology is being otherwise referred to by the term clean technology or environmental technology. At present, green technology can be considered to be in the initial stages of development. As the years turn around, green technology will become very bright in the future, and there will be some improvement in the standards of the environment. Hence, green technology’s significant objective is to find technological ways to damage the earth’s resources. Green technology aims to produce materials, which can be recycled and also can be reused. It also fins the technology such that the amount of the waste gets reduced during the consumption and the fabrication stages.


Types of the green technology

There are many green technology categories, which are energy, preferred purchasing, chemistry, building, and Nanotechnology. Since green technology is concerned with the production of advanced materials, Nanotechnology can be considered the essential green technology step. It is concerned with the materials’ science on the most miniature scale.  It is one of the fresh buzzes in the society, which will help fight global warming, occurring at a speedy rate in the existing situation. Still, the present green technology is not completely green, and the materials, which are said to be green, are giving out some amount of the harmful gases. Hence there should be lots of effort and study, which must be done to make this technology completely green.

Alternative sources of the energy

Though green technology awareness has started to improve, there is still a significant distance traveled before we realize the full green technology. Alternative sources of energy must be massively popularized to clean energy. These alternative energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy do not harm the environment since they do not release any harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, which causes the greenhouse effect. The other essential requirement of green technology is sustainable development. Nuclear energy might not produce any greenhouse gases, but they produce harmful wastes, which cannot be reused or recycled. By controlling the distribution of the particles in the quantum ion to the range of about a few nanometers, it is possible to obtain a white source of light, which is completely green

Efforts to make use of green technology

To popularize the use of green technology, the various international governments should provide incentives such as tax benefits to the firms, which use solar energy, wind energy, etc.


If green technology research work can attract a huge amount of funds for development with proper progress, this technology can indeed preserve the environment by the use of the complete green technology

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