The most influential change agents are the futurists, who leverage science to discover new technologies. While political, economic, and religious philosophies vary from one country to the next, the benefits of investing in science and technology are apparent to everyone in all countries.
Moreover, while the best investment any nation can make to ensure a better future is to invest in science and technology, this type of investment can also work for the individual citizens. If, for instance, you happen to be either a science or tech buff, you can make profitable investments by buying stocks in technology companies or investing in historical autographs for sale from some of the big names in the scientific field with the same enthusiasm that a numismatic has for discovering of rare, unique coins.
Here are three big reasons why investing in science and technology can provide such a high return on investment both collectively and individually.
It ensures a nation’s progress.
Since ancient times, social progress has been linked to scientific advancements and technological sophistication. Neolithic humans used observation and experimentation to learn how to use fire and create stone tools. Later, historians defined the next leap from the Stone Age to be the Bronze Age. Although this marked a considerable advancement in the progress of human civilization, it was superseded by the Iron Age. Centuries later, the latent power of steam was the engine that powered the Industrial Revolution. Now in the age of interconnected computers, the Internet has created an Information Revolution. This historical shift has ushered in a new world of commerce and entertainment, as well as enhanced research, more efficient work and worldwide communication.
It fosters individual educational development.
Personal growth depends on education. The more a person knows, the more excellent their opportunity to contribute to their society. While, of course, institutional education plays a significant role in how much knowledge a person acquires, the Internet has made it possible for anyone with sufficient aspiration to acquire new knowledge and skills more quickly.
If you didn’t pay attention to important subjects when you were in school, it was difficult to find many opportunities to catch up. Indeed, there were books, but these relied on your ability to find the right books for your level of comprehension.
What makes the Internet different from formal education and book learning is that it’s now possible to acquire information about almost any topic at your level of comprehension. If, for example, you’re a 45-year-old man or woman who only has a fifth grade understanding of mathematics, how do you catch up? You can’t precisely enroll in grade school and bookstores rarely sell school textbooks. However, on the Internet, you can enroll in any number of educational websites and work your way up from scratch. You can also do this without any embarrassment, because, as far as everyone else is concerned, you’re just another username on the website.
It provides opportunities for a nation and its citizens to prosper.
Prosperity is a result of advancements in knowledge and skills. Telecommunications can increase scientific collaboration, thus ushering in new scientific discoveries. It can also provide an opportunity for startups to get the funding they need to launch a business idea. Moreover, as new knowledge is developed, there is more information available for even more innovation.
On an individual level, you can acquire the knowledge and skills you need to improve your finances using Internet-based resources; for instance, attending an online university. You can also try out some entrepreneurial ventures, like opening up an eBay or Amazon store on a shoestring budget. And, of course, you can also learn how to use trading platforms to invest in forex, stocks, or commodities.
The Great Equalizer
In every country, different thought leaders propose a diversity of ways to resolve their nation’s most pressing problems. Some focus on political reorganization, aspiring to develop a practical philosophy that works for everyone; some focus on economic transformations, convinced that the rising tide of prosperity will lift all boats; and some suggest a return to traditional religious ideals, believing that the root of all change arises from character reform. However, while it’s difficult to agree on the best type of government, economic philosophy, or religion one thing that unites humanity is science and technology, which can cross all boundaries to satisfy a wide variety of human needs.