When smartwatches were initially released, it wasn’t certain that they were going to be a success with many being cautious whether to purchase or not. However, since then, the tech has drastically improved, and now you can’t walk down the street without noticing someone talking into their watch or paying for their coffee with the touch of a button. With the market now being pretty flooded, we assess our favourite smartwatches on the market.

One of the best smartwatches that we have found on the market has to be the predecessor of the Galaxy Watch with is the Samsun Galaxy Watch 3. This watch is quite easily Samsung’s most accomplished watch to date due to its impressive and expensive feeling design and it has clearly built on the pros of the Galaxy Watch and made them even better. Galaxy Watch 3 also brings the unique rotating bezel that makes navigating around the smartwatch a dream and something that makes it stand out amongst its competitors.
Of course, if we are going to talk smartwatch and not mention an Apple Watch, we would be somewhat clueless. Apple has just released it is Series 6 is the flagship watch when it comes to wearable tech. Although we think the Galaxy Watch 3 is the best on the market, the Series 6 is certainly the best if you have an iPhone. The impressive performance and improved health features are its top seller, but due to the design still being similar to that of the Series 1, we believe it needs an update.
Technology and smart wearable technology have gone off the charts in terms of demand. This is because of how fast the market moves in terms of advancement and has allowed us, consumers, to do virtually anything on our tech possible now. Due to this, other industries have also benefitted from this like Max Casinos. Many now are gambling on the go due to app developers’ use of the highest quality and the ease of access is unbelievable.
The final smartwatch in which we will talk about is that of the Fitbit Versa 2 which is their top of the range model; like the Series 6, it has an always-on display and ties that in with awe-inspiring battery life and is certainly more affordable than the other two watches spoken about. However, this is shown as there isn’t any GPS on this watch, and it also doesn’t work with any third-party apps from your Android or iOS, which is slightly annoying.