When it comes to SEO, a simple thing such as writing an introduction may greatly contribute to how your site performs. Therefore, it is important to always put in as much effort as possible into making sure that it stands out from the rest. Also, you will have to make sure that you either keep up with your top competitor’s pace or are even better. This is why this article is going to be giving you the basics of how to write the perfect introduction for SEO.

Make sure that The Keyword is Clearly Outlined
There is a need for you to make sure that if your keyword is slot machine en ligne, it is among the first words to appear in your sentences. Overall, you should make sure that the keyword appears in the introduction. If you can, you can go ahead and add different variations like gambling online. The introduction should have plenty of words that are somehow linked to your keyword.
Be Short and Concise
Make sure that you avoid boring the reader with a ridiculously long introduction. Do not provide them with unnecessary information. Ensure that you leave them with so many questions that will make them keep scrolling through your page for more answers. This can be done by asking a lot of questions and living them partially answered. Also, you can get to use other catchphrases like “keep scrolling to find out more about this particular aussie casino game.” questions are also quite engaging. They will definitely evoke certain feelings and emotions from the targeted reader.
Be Convincing
Be able to convince the reader that they need whatever wisdom that you have to share. You can only get to do this by being authoritative and being confident in your introduction. For example, you can use phrases like this is the “best casino guide online right now!”