Bingo is an old and fun game to play. You can play it now over at the new bingo site, Umbingo. It doesn’t require specialized knowledge to start playing. Millions of people enjoy it either live or on the internet. Of course, life is much more fun to play where real people are involved. The internet bingo, on the other hand, gives you the freedom to choose when to play and where to play.

Let see how this game is played and what can be your odds to win. The game is simple – the player gets a bingo card with 24 of 75 semi-randomly selected numbers. The card has five rows and five columns of numbers. The center cell is called accessible. The numbers in Bingo card is distributed as follows:
B column has numbers from 1 to 15;
I column have numbers from 16 to 30;
N column have numbers from 31 to 45;
G column have numbers from 46 to 60;
O column have numbers from 61 to 75;
The moderator draws the balls with numbers, and there are usually 12 ways of winning that involve getting a row, column, or diagonal to be marked. Four winnings involve “free” cell (row, column, and two diagonals). Of course, there are more versions of Bingo that involve things like four corners, X, all edges, “T,” and more. The calls are continued until someone achieve Bingo – at least one of 12 ways are filled.

The winning probabilities in Bingo are calculated according to a number of calls N. In other words, what is the probability of Bingo after N numbers? Here are exciting calculations of statistics and expectations that involve single and cumulative turns.

Nothing new here – the more numbers are the caller, the better odds to win. Calculations show that to get 50$% chance of winning; there must be at least 41 calls. And to have a 90% chance – 54 calls.
The table below represents probabilities of winning according to the number of calls:

And lastly, here is many total possible combinations that could exist on Bingo card:
So relax and enjoy the game that is always a bit different every time. There are many ways to play bingo online that involve different rules, cards, and styles. You can install an app to play your favorite game on a smartphone where ever you are. And be careful, as any game – Bingo also is addictive.