Future Robots Are Ready To Replace Human Beings

Robots are one of the most significant milestones in the field of science and technology. They are ready to replace human beings. They can even be a friend to you or a companion when you need someone. Japan is one of the birthplaces of most robots. In Japan, people are trying to design a robot that can even show emotional reactions like fear, anger, sadness, disgust, happiness, and even surprise. When you say a word like ‘war’ to the robot, he immediately shows the emotion of fear, and when you say love, the robot smiles with its pink lips. What more do you expect an assembled metal and wires to do? The future of robots is extensive and more sophisticated uses. Researches are going on to bring about a robot to monitor farming. The robot would know the need of the plants and act based on that. When a plant needs water, the robot will water them, or if the plant needs nutrients, it would be supplied by the robot. So the robot is not restricted to the computer field and heavy machinery industries, motor industries, and paddy fields.