Intel 8-bit Hex File Format is the most common hex file format used globally, as far as I know. There is also Motorola Hex file format and maybe others. Creating applications with AVR-GCC, we usually select ihex output file format what means Intel hex file format. Let’s go through it and see what’s inside. It is simple as 6 and 6 (six and six) because each Hex file line consists of six parts. And there can be 6 record types in the hex file.
Lets go through all six parts of each line:

- Start code is always character ‘:’;
- Byte count takes one byte (hex pair), indicating many bytes in the lin’s data field. Usually, there are 16 or 32 bytes of data in each line;
- The address takes two bytes (16 bits – four hex digits). The address shows the beginning of the memory position for the data. 16 bits gives a limit of 64kilobytes. This is worked around by specifying higher bits via other record types;
- Record type takes one byte (two hex digits). It defines the type of data field;
- Data is a sequence of n bytes (2*n hex digits);
- The checksum is one byte (two hex digits). It is the last byte in a line. It is calculated from fields: byte count, Address, record type, and data and taking its Two’s complement. Start code and checksum itself isn’t included. Checksum calculation example: :040F40009F4F089522
In Intel Hex File Format there are six types of record types:
- 00 – data record;
- 01 – End of file record. Usually, it is 00000001FF;
- 02 – Extended Segment address record. This indicates segment base address when 16 bits is not enough for addressing memory;
- 03 – Start segment address record. Indicates initial segment base address.
- 04 – Extended Linear Address Record – allows 32 bit addressing.
- 05 – Start Linear Address Record.
By concluding all of this:
Sample hex file:
thanx buddy.