Infertility Is Not the End of the Road with Ukraine Surrogacy

Being recently given a diagnosis of “infertile” can easily be one of the most heartbreaking and devastating statements that a couple can hear. While it may initially sound like the closing of a coffin lid, there is absolutely hope to be found in Ukraine surrogacy.

First off, despite the turmoil that this diagnosis will give to any given couple that hears it, please know that you’re absolutely and in no way alone. One clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst reports that infertility affects one in eight couples, which means 7.3 million woman and their partners in the US suffer from some form of infertility or another. This constitutes roughly 12% of the population.

While these numbers do little to soothe the heartache that an infertile diagnosis can bring couples, Ukraine surrogacy may offer hope to an otherwise bleak situation. While no one expects surrogacy, adoption, or other viable assisted reproductive technologies to completely erase the bleak and hollow feeling that infertility can give us, they do absolutely give us hope for a better future.

How Ukraine Surrogacy Gives Hope to Couples Across the Globe

Ukraine surrogacy has seen an enormous influx of business since 2002, and there is an excellent reason why.

The Laws

In Ukraine, surrogacy is not only perfectly legal, but the legislation in place actually makes it one of the most protective and straight forward surrogacy programs in the world. From conception, the prospective child belongs directly to the parents that are supplying the genetic material. There is absolutely no need for accessory litigious process following the birth of the child, as per the law of the country, the names of the intended parents appears on the birth certificate, not the name of the surrogate mother.

Ukraine surrogacy has laws in place that not only protect the intending parents, but also the surrogate mothers themselves, providing a priceless piece of mind to any couple that is in search of a surrogate.

Why Ukraine Surrogacy

Assisted reproductive medicine has been a main focus of Ukrainian medical culture for multiple decades. In 1991, the first baby born to extracorporeal fertilization methods was born in Ukraine. Since then, medical professionals have been constantly adapting to the various needs of surrogate mothers and intending parents alike.

Ukraine surrogacy laws not only allow for unlimited IVF treatments, but also allow for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGE), which is a novel approach to be able to assess embryos for possible genetic malformations and diseases prior to implantation. PGE also allows for intended parents to discern the sex of their child prior to implantation if they so desire.

How Ukraine Surrogacy Gives Hope to Surrogate Mothers

Ukraine surrogacy programs not only host some of the world’s most progressively protective laws for intended parents, but they also outline some of the most surrogate mother friendly protection the world over as well.

The Laws

An age limit for surrogate mothers is strongly enforced, to ensure the health and safety of anyone who may be carrying your most precious package. On top of that, potential surrogate mothers must go through a series of physical and mental health assessments prior to qualifying for being a surrogate.

The country also suggest that any potential candidate also already have produced children of her own, and carried them to term without complication. If the potential surrogate is married, they must obtain consent from their spouse prior to being accepted as a surrogate candidate. This ensures that any child carried via a Ukraine surrogate is in a healthy environment and is more than physically prepared to carry your future child.

Women Who Choose Ukraine Surrogacy

Many of these laws have been put into place following concerns of exploitation of needy or poor women. India and Thailand were once hot spots for international surrogacy programs before they each were found to be abusing women with few options for other types of income.

Ukraine surrogacy programs have been repeatedly shown to be not only legal, but also compassionate.

How Ukraine Surrogacy Works

Finding a surrogacy agency that closely adheres to your families ideals, and is also familiar with the policy in your home country and Ukraine.

The Choice

Choosing your surrogate is a process that can be easily facilitated with the right agency. Most agencies will help prospective couples narrow down their search to a handful of viable candidates. Once the prospective surrogate mothers have been chosen, couples will visit Ukraine to ensure that the match is comfortable for all parties involved.


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