How to Handle an Anxious and Scared Cat

Just like humans, cats can also develop stress, depression, and anxiety. There are many things that can cause your loving feline to start feeling a bit frightened and melancholic. It’s up to us as owners to be aware of these signs to ensure we take the necessary steps to help them cope with the symptoms.

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In this article, we’ll look at the different signs that your cat might suffer from anxiety, and then we’ll dive into what you can do about it.

Signs of Cat Anxiety

Here is a list of the most common signs that your feline is suffering from stress and anxiousness:

Showing Signs of Aggression

Cats can be temperamental and territorial, but if your cat wasn’t prone to showing aggression previously and is now suddenly hissing for no reason – they might suffer from anxiety.

No pet will ever go crazy or start scratching without something triggering that behavior first.


When your pet is scared, they will most probably start hiding. They will hide behind the couch, under other furniture, or even inside closets and cupboards. When you try to take them out of their hiding spot, they’ll most probably become aggressive.

Sure, some cats aren’t as social as others. But if this is strange behavior when new people enter the home or just throughout the day, then something might be wrong.


One of the most common signs of anxiousness in your feline is overgrooming. They will lick their fur to such an extent that they might even lose big chunks of fur. When it’s definitely normal for cats to groom their coats, it isn’t normal for them to lick themselves most of the day.

Constant Meowing

Remember the first few nights when you got your kitten? They were probably meowing and crying throughout the night. This was because they were distressed. A new kitten who isn’t used to its environment will start meowing almost uncontrollably. When you show them, love, they will learn to trust you and stop meowing as much.

As an adult, if a feline starts meowing uncontrollably this might be a sign of distress. Especially if they aren’t usually very vocal.

Change in Eating Habits

Overeating or not eating at all isn’t a good sign. It could either be a sign of anxiousness, or they could suffer from a medical condition. Be very aware of your furball’s eating habits, and make sure you keep track of what they are eating.

Following a healthy diet is important in their mental and physical health. Learn more about cat anxiety symptoms here:

How to Handle an Anxious and Scared Cat?

So, you’ve determined that your cat suffers from anxiety, now what? You can do a few things to help your cat cope with the symptoms and ultimately become calm again. Here are a few things you can do:

Identify the Problem

You can’t handle your kitten’s anxiety if you don’t know where it originates from.  If there have been any big changes in your living arrangements then this might be the first thing.

curious cat

Have you recently moved house? Or did you introduce a new family member or pet into the home? Identify any drastic changes in the home. It could also be that loud noises are coming from outside. Maybe a new construction site opened up nearby, or there are loud trucks in your neighborhood.

Give them Their Own Space

You must make your kitty feel safe and protected. Create a special sleeping space for them and add a little bit of catnip onto it. If you’ve introduced a new pet into the home, then you might consider giving your kitty its own scratch post with the sleeping mat at the top. This will assure them that they are still in control of the house while giving them space to sit comfortably.

Keeping them at a safe distance from other new pets, especially puppies, is important for their well-being. Especially if you have a kitten that has been the online pet for a long time, you need to make sure that they have space only for themselves.

Resort to Natural Supplements

Vets can prescribe relaxation medication, but many people are now opting for natural remedies like CBD-infused oils. Credible dispensaries manufacture CBD oil products that are specifically designed for cats and dogs. These products are filled with cannabinoids that help to relax your kitty when they feel stressed.

In this video, you can see the effects of CBD oil on a cat with anxiety. It’s a 100% natural supplement that hasn’t hold any toxic ingredients or parabens.

Create Consistency

If your own schedule is all over the place and if you are stressed, your kitten might start feeling the imbalance in the home, and that is why they feel anxious. Your kitten must have a specific daily and nightly routine. Make sure that you feed them at the same time every morning and night.

If you take your feline out for a walk or go to the toilet, then you must stay consistent with the times you do that. Also, be sure to maintain a somewhat consistent home life that doesn’t introduce too many random and strange people over for loud parties and screaming.

As long as you act fast once you identify cat anxiety, you’ll be able to handle it with care and compassion. Soon, you’ll have your loving kitten back.

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