High-Income Skills For 2023: 7 Profitable Options

Looking around for new opportunities to make more dough in the new year? Believe it or not, you don’t need to go back to school or completely change careers for dough to start flowing in. There are countless in-demand skills you can peep to start boosting your income quickly. Here are seven top high-income skills worth honing in 2023. Bank on these profitable options to fatten your wallet without breaking too much of a sweat.

1. Bookkeeping

If you have skill in counting bills and balancing budget books, bookkeeping could be a solid side hustle. Many small businesses need help tracking income, expenses, accounts receivable and payable. With some practice and accounting software mastery, you can make righteous dough, helping other businesses manage their financial records. With cloud-based software, you can even do it remotely or on a flexible schedule. Many bookkeepers pull $30-$60 per hour, depending on experience. You can make paystubs online to help clients with financial reporting needs, too. Lots of biz and demand for this fundamental biz support skill make it a wicked option in 2023. Bookkeeping is a great skill to have in 2023 if you want to earn more money. 


There are two major benefits to pursuing bookkeeping as a career path in 2023:

  • Demand is high. As long as businesses operate, they will need bookkeepers. There is ample job security.
  • No advanced degree is required. While certification is recommended, you can get started as a bookkeeper without a four-year college degree. Relevant experience and skills are valued most.

So, if you have an aptitude for numbers, appreciate organization, and enjoy tracking detailed financial data, a career in bookkeeping may be ideal for you. With hard work and persistence, you can build a solid, prosperous bookkeeping business. And by handling your clients’ financials with care and precision, you become an invaluable resource for growing companies.

How do you get started? Some options include:

  • Enroll in a formal certificate training program at a community college or online institution. This provides a solid base of knowledge.
  • Find an experienced bookkeeper willing to mentor you. You’ll learn directly from a pro.
  • Work for a small accounting firm to gain hands-on training. Surround yourself with experts.
  • Take a job in an accounts receivable or payable department. This exposure taught me a lot.

With the right preparation, you can confidently launch your own bookkeeping business. Define your target market, spread the word, provide stellar service, and watch your reputation grow. Bookkeeping is one of the most reliable paths to income growth in 2023.

2. Medical Billing

The healthcare industry is booming. With an aging population and increased access to insurance, Americans are consuming medical services at record levels. This creates immense demand for qualified medical billers. These skilled professionals handle billing and Coding for hospitals, clinics, and private practices.

To become a medical biller, you need:

  • Comfort with medical terminology – you must communicate with doctors
  • Proficiency with billing software
  • Meticulous attention to detail – mistakes can be very costly
  • Good customer service skills when following up and communicating with patients

Formal training is required. Many medical billers earn an Associate’s degree in Medical Billing and Coding. Coursework covers medical terminology, insurance reimbursement procedures, healthcare regulations, and billing software. Some employers provide on-the-job training as well.

Certification is also highly recommended. Options include:

  • Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credential from the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC).
  • Certified Coding Associate (CCA) credential from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

Once properly trained and certified, medical billers can earn $25 to $40 per hour, depending on experience and location. Those with advanced skills and specialization can earn even more.

With a steady supply of new patients, medical billers play a crucial role in healthcare. Your services will always be needed. And you can feel good knowing your work provides comfort and healing to those in need.

3. Software Developer

In today’s digital world, software runs the show. Apps and programs impact every aspect of life. As a result, talented software developers are in huge demand. Companies urgently seek experts to build, test, and maintain software. Positions may involve designing applications, websites, and databases from scratch or optimizing existing systems.

While some coding jobs require a 4-year computer science degree, you can break into this field through:

  • Coding boot camps teaching HTML, JavaScript, and Python
  • Earning Google and IBM professional certifications
  • Building an impressive portfolio of projects to showcase abilities
  • Learning in-demand frameworks like React and Node.js

Median pay for software developers exceeds $110,000 per year. And in tech hubs like Silicon Valley and New York, salaries climb far higher. Languages like Java and .NET boost earnings potential.

The appetite for new software is endless. And billions of existing devices require maintenance and upgrades. With diligent skills development, your programming expertise can ensure stable employment.

Each year brings exciting new opportunities in software development. For example:

  • Cloud computing allows apps to run online instead of locally.
  • Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are integrated into more applications.
  • Virtual and augmented reality go mainstream.
  • Blockchain transforms digital transactions.

But for those with the drive and aptitude, software skills offer a direct path to high status and compensation. Few careers rival development in terms of income growth and resilience. Demand shows no signs of slowing.

4. Digital Marketing

Every company today needs digital marketing help. They desperately want more online visibility and sales. That’s where you come in!

As a digital marketer, you grow a company’s online presence and traffic. Responsibilities may include:

  • Designing and running a search engine and social media campaigns
  • Producing engaging content for websites and blogs
  • Creating videos and graphics
  • Analyzing site metrics to optimize conversions
  • Email marketing and automation
  • Competitor research and analysis

Digital marketing combines creativity with analytical optimization. Your goal is driving measurable objectives like sales and email subscribers. You must craft compelling messages tailored to specific audiences. Then, test and revise based on data.

For example, you may:

  • Run Facebook and Instagram ads targeting potential customers by location, age, interests, and behaviors. 
  • Produce viral content that gets widely shared organically, bringing new visitors. Update content based on feedback.
  • Rank YouTube videos on the first page for relevant search terms by researching keywords and optimizing titles, descriptions, and subtitles.

Every business needs traffic, leads, and sales. If you can deliver measurable results, you’ll always be in demand. Become an analytical, creative problem-solver, and income growth will follow. There is no limit.

5. Voice Over Artist

Do you love using your voice? Have a knack for accents and languages? Consider becoming a voice-over artist.

This creative career involves recording dialog for:

  • TV and radio commercials
  • Audiobook narration
  • Corporate training videos
  • Documentaries
  • Video game characters
  • Phone system prompts

Successful voice-over artists boast impeccable articulation and vocal range. They bring scripts to life with clear delivery and contagious enthusiasm.

Instead of performing live, voice-over artists pre-record audio in professional studios. Sessions are booked based on demand. Some voice-over work can even be done remotely from a home studio.

At the upper echelon, voice-over work is extremely lucrative. Top video game voice actors can earn $300 to $500 per hour in the studio. If you land recurring gigs for animation or national commercial campaigns, residual checks keep flowing for years. A distinctive voice combined with smart marketing and persistence can produce an enviable income.

If you enjoy using your voice, have a wide vocal range, and are willing to put in studio time, you can become a professional voice-over artist. Your distinctive sound could be your path to an abundant, flexible lifestyle.

6. Grant Writer

Do you excel at research, writing, and attention to detail? Consider a career in grant writing. These professionals are masters at securing funding for organizations.

Here is how it works:

  • Nonprofits, research institutions, local governments, and other organizations need money to operate.
  • Generous funders and government agencies offer grant programs to support causes.
  • Grant writers create persuasive proposals explaining how an organization will use grants productively. If successful, the grant is awarded, providing essential funding for programs and services.

It is highly competitive. Each grantmaker receives hundreds or thousands of proposals. Only well-crafted, worthy applications win.

While passion helps, grant writing relies on concrete skills that anyone can learn:

  • Mastering grant application formats/requirements
  • Researching past awards to determine preferences
  • Interviewing organization leaders to capture visions
  • Writing persuasively to motivate funders
  • Honing proposals through multiple drafts

Many grant writers earn between $45,000 and $70,000, with the top 10% reaching six figures in high-cost cities, according to PayScale data. Free from heavy overhead, experienced freelance grant writers can command $60 to $150 per hour.

With diligence and tenacity, you can build a lucrative and meaningful grant writing career. Submitting strong proposals on behalf of worthy organizations creates a tangible community impact. By funding vital programs, you change lives for the better.

7. Transcriptionist

Do you love analyzing details and transcribing audio into text? Then, consider training to become a transcriptionist. These professionals listen to recordings and accurately type the contents. Their skills are in high demand.

Transcription is needed for:

  • Business meetings and conferences
  • Media interviews
  • Legal depositions
  • Doctor’s notes
  • Podcasts and videos
  • Research interviews
  • Voice messages

Reliable transcriptionists are treasured for their accuracy, speed, and discretion. They play back recordings and meticulously transcribe each word into documents and text files. Errors or omissions can have major consequences.

Attention to detail is mandatory. Many transcriptionists earn legal or medical certification to unlock higher-paying specialized work. Security standards must also be mastered when handling sensitive recordings. Experienced full-time transcriptionists can earn $40,000 to $60,000 annually. Those with legal or medical certification command even higher compensation. Location flexibility is often an option since recordings can be securely uploaded for remote documentation.

Final Thoughts

The options have never been better for transforming your existing skills into a profitable side business. In 2023, make it your goal to put more of your natural strengths and talents to work. You may be surprised how easy it can be to start earning righteous extra dough doing what you’re already good at. So why not take one of these high-income skills for a spin? 

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