Why is SAFe® Popular and Why Should Organizations Bet On It?

Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a methodology for an Agile team to work on massive projects in a flexible way. It is one of the leading Agile systems globally. It is considered as the current industry standard for valuable projects to impress clients. It is a complete solution for a perfect project closure with minimal risk of errors and rejections. Four benefits of using SAFe For any methodology to be implemented in a development process, it is important to know its benefits. So how does SAFe Benefit Organizations? Here are 4  benefits: Employee Engagement: In a software development company there are numerous reasons for employees to keep changing jobs. While working with SAFe®, they are 50% more likely to stay put with their organization, probably because of the flexibility SAFe® gives to work with a project. Time to Market:  Lean-Agile Frameworks take lesser time to enter into the market. They add value to the project and hence enter the market quickly. Software developers who practice Agile management are sure to gain first-mover advantages which will, in turn, bring high margin profits to the company. SAFe® enabled projects are known to witness 30-75 % improvement in marketing time. Quality: A project with…

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What is a Ransomware Attack?


Ransomware has been around for almost as long as consumer use of the Internet. This type of malicious software can be deployed to attack businesses as well as individuals. In some cases, there is more than one reason behind the attack. In order to properly prepare yourself for a potential ransomware attack, it pays to understand a bit about the nature of this type of malware, what it can do, and how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim. Understanding the Nature of Ransomware Ransomware is an infection that either limits or completely blocks access to your operating system or the programs running on that system. The malware is designed to circumvent the protections that you have on the drive and essentially take over the system. It’s only after you comply with any demands issued by the originator that you are able to regain control of the system. What’s the Purpose of a Ransomware Attack? The most common purpose of any ransomware attack is to extort money from the victim. In exchange for remitting whatever sum the originator demands, you are supplied with a code or other resource supposed to remove the block and restore full access to your system…

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Powerful open source SQLite manager for Raspberry Pi

SQLite is a lightweight but powerful database management tool. It occupies a little space on the device – a bit more than 500KB, but offers most of the features implemented on other SQL database tools. SQLite is a serverless engine, meaning that the whole database is stored in a single file, and all transactions are reads and write from the file. There are no initial server configurations required – all you need is to create a .db file and start writing queries. This is why SQLite is preferred on small devices like mobile phones, embedded devices, and Raspberry Pi. Previously, we have installed an SQLite into Raspberry Pi, created a database and table with only a few lines of script. We performed all the tasks from the command-line tool. Eventually, you will want to have full control of the database and see the whole picture. Therefore, you should also consider installing SQLite manager, which brings a graphical user interface to work with SQL databases. To run the SQLite manager, you will need to work from the Raspberry Pi desktop. You may want to connect a monitor or use a VNC client to access the Raspberry Pi desktop like me. VNC…

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How to Protect Your Business’s Computer Network

Your business needs a computer that is connected to a network, or in other words, the internet. Think, for a moment, about all of the benefits that you would obtain from doing this. You would be able to communicate with your clients, customers, and prospective employees daily. Not to mention, it allows you to have a presence on the world wide web, improving your credibility as a company. So, you decided to set up a computer network, but have you thought about what you need to do to protect it? To safeguard yourself against cybersecurity attacks and to keep your connection secure, you must adhere to the following steps. Monitor by installing a firewall A firewall is a software that people use to protect their private network security. It is precisely for this reason that it should be one of the first steps people take to safeguard their networks, which they must have turned private, to begin with. You don’t want unauthorized users to access your internet, right? That is why a firewall can act as a defense against this, as it can monitor and prevent security breaches at the same time.

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What exactly is a Laboratory Information Management System?

Simply put, a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is software that allows the effective management of test results, and samples (and their associated data) to improve lab productivity. By adopting the use of a LIMS, your lab can integrate instruments, automate workflows, and manage samples and associated information. Plus, as well as producing reliable results more quickly, you can also track data from sequencing runs over time (and across experiments) to improve efficiency. This kind of software helps standardize tests, workflows, and procedures. At the same time, it allows the provision of accurate controls (such as test limits) of the process itself. You can also integrate instruments into the LIMS to automate the collection of test data. This eliminates the need to manually transfer results between the instrument and the LIMS solution, eliminating typographical errors. Entering numbers by hand typically results in a 1-3% error rate, and forces all results to be manually validated and approved, taking additional time and resources. The LIMS can be set up to ensure that only results from calibrated instruments may be recorded in the system and, via unique login, to check that the person, entering the results, is adequately trained in the operating procedures to…

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How The Blockchain Will Impact UX and UI Design

Over time, the blockchain has become an integral part of the new and upcoming technologies. Every kind of industry is now looking at ways in which it can adopt blockchain as part of its future growth. The benefits that come with the infrastructure include speed, data transparency, increased functionality, and many others. Despite these advantages, the design of the infrastructure is still basic. The near future will thus see a lot of improvements in the infrastructure, particularly in the design realm. The blockchain will definitely have a huge impact on the platform that depends on it as it grows. Stakeholders in the industry who want to create their products with the blockchain in mind must think of ways in which they can change their designs in order to find consonance with the blockchain. Among the issues that designers will have to consider in terms of UI/UX design, the following are the most critical:

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Five benefits of using a CMMS

Managing a production plant can be very challenging, complicated, and time-consuming for those who still use paper and manual repositories to control inventories and maintenance actions. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of having a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). There are many problems in those companies that still carry everything according to old methods of pencil and paper: – Uncountable possibilities of human errors.– Difficulty sharing information with many people.– Following the trail of compliance with tasks is very difficult.– The writing can be confusing when several professionals work in the same job.– When several collaborators exist, the papers may go astray.– Without technology, coordinating activities in large maintenance projects can be very disorganized and inaccurate.Having a Computerized Maintenance Management System or CMMS optimizes the work, allows effective monitoring, solves problems that occur in the day-to-day, organizes activities appropriately, and more. Here are five ways in which this system can help you automate your documentation and achieve goals in the shortest possible time:

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Retrieve Your Deleted Files & Folders from Hard Drive

Most of the time in our life, we come across the situation in which we lost our important files or folder. If you got yourself in such trouble by losing some important data on PC hard drive, memory card or USB devices. Read the page’s content, and you will get to learn many ways to recover those deleted files. First, we need to learn some direct and easy ways to help you retrieve those deleted files. Easiest Method to Retrieve your deleted Files First, delete a file by Right-Clicking it and pressing the delete button, by doing so the system hides the data by just removing its file directory and mark the space assigned to data as free for use. So now you can easily get your file back by reconstructing your file directory because the system hides the data rather deleting it. But if you keep on using the device, it will completely erase the old deleted files’ contents to write some new data. Due to this, the chances to retrieve your data is negligible. The situation becomes disastrous when you got limited free space in your hard drive, memory card or USB drive  Three Possible ways to restore your…

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How to Recover and Restore Your Deleted Photographs

Sometimes human error, viral attacks and other digital snafus can cause our stored photographs to become lost to us. As soon as you realize what’s missing, it can incite some panic. Our most important moments are commemorated via photography, as we typically intend to hold onto these cherished images for many years to come. When they are suddenly and unintentionally gone, your first concern will be photo recovery. If you’ve never had to recover deleted pictures before, you might not know where to start. All you do know is that getting these pictures back is essential to you. If you have found yourself in this situation, read on to learn how you may easily and quickly recover the photographs that you feared were gone forever. This article will teach you the ins and outs of photo recovery and data recovery with RecoverIt, a free software option for restoring lost data.

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How Augmented Reality Is Revolutionising The App-Game

In recent years augmented reality has seen itself become one of the most significant innovations, with industries jumping on the prospect of delivering it within their business. In particular, the mobile app industry has become completely transformed by the new technology, and it has become a revolution that is a must in order for mobile apps to stand out from their competition. Here’s a look into the further detail of how it’s done so. What is augmented reality? Augmented reality uses artificial technology to create an environment that combines the elements of the natural world with a contrived world, all through a mobile device. It positions the user in a way that blurs their perception of reality as it mixes both the physical environment with computer-generated images together. According to Statista, augmented reality apps generated revenue of just over 884 million in 2017, and this statistic is likely to rise rapidly over the coming years.

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