Why is SAFe® Popular and Why Should Organizations Bet On It?
Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a methodology for an Agile team to work on massive projects in a flexible way. It is one of the leading Agile systems globally. It is considered as the current industry standard for valuable projects to impress clients. It is a complete solution for a perfect project closure with minimal risk of errors and rejections. Four benefits of using SAFe For any methodology to be implemented in a development process, it is important to know its benefits. So how does SAFe Benefit Organizations? Here are 4 benefits: Employee Engagement: In a software development company there are numerous reasons for employees to keep changing jobs. While working with SAFe®, they are 50% more likely to stay put with their organization, probably because of the flexibility SAFe® gives to work with a project. Time to Market: Lean-Agile Frameworks take lesser time to enter into the market. They add value to the project and hence enter the market quickly. Software developers who practice Agile management are sure to gain first-mover advantages which will, in turn, bring high margin profits to the company. SAFe® enabled projects are known to witness 30-75 % improvement in marketing time. Quality: A project with…