Whether you’re prepping for the SAT’s or just curious about how much you can improve your brain function, building learning capacity is actually a fairly easy goal. In fact, a lot of the techniques used can actually be incorporated throughout your everyday life.
Although it may be a lengthy process with gradual results, in the end, you’ll find yourself not only memorizing information more adeptly but also computing situations much more frequently and effectively.
Figure Out What Works For You
Figure out what works best for you. Not everyone is going to have the same techniques because not everyone learns or thinks the same. You may be a more visual learner, while someone else you know may thrive better in a more face-to-face auditory environment.
Everyone also learns at different times and places, including building up their learning capacity. There is most likely one technique we’ve mentioned today that’ll be much more efficient for you than the others. Don’t be afraid to experiment with them and don’t give up after your first try.
Do what feels comfortable for you and remember not to overstimulate yourself. It’ll happen organically. While we have given you some of the basics to increase your learning capacity, there are other more advanced techniques as well.
Here are some others you can try out:
Make sure you’re mentally in a space to learn and have tended to all of your needs before you begin.
There are supplements out there that increase your neuron growth factor and have your neurons working in overdrive to reproduce and repair. These supplements – oftentimes called nootropics – can also help increase your mental performance. The best part is they don’t affect your sleep schedule either. This way, your brain can also reap the benefits of rest as well.
However, it is suggested to do some research and consult a doctor first before taking supplements.
Repeating processes is often used as a technique for memorization, however, you’re still learning. The more you memorize, the more capacity your learning will have.
Keep Track of Progress
Most people don’t realize that increasing learning capacity doesn’t happen overnight. It happens gradually which means it’s sometimes hard to decipher if it’s improving. Keep track with a journal, so you know what techniques work for you.
Sleep Schedule
Do you get a good night’s sleep? It might not seem like much, but getting the recommended sleep for your age can make all the difference when it comes to building your learning capacity. In scientific studies, there have been proven correlations between a night of restful sleep and mental health. A lack of sleep can actually have effects on your brain that promote slight memory loss.
This is because, in order for your brain to consolidate memory, your brain needs to rest. Your brain function will be limited when it comes to learning and remembering new information when awake. Generally, it’s recommended that adults get anywhere between 7 and 9 hours of sleep for optimal daytime performance.
Mix It Up
Ever heard the saying, ‘Let’s mix it up?” Experts have confirmed this is also a good motto for those looking to build their learning capacity and improve their studying techniques. A change of scenery or pace in your learning can make all the difference. Your brain recognizes your “study space,” and it automatically becomes a routine.
Even though you aren’t challenging your brain when it comes to the environment, you want to challenge your brain to be able to learn in any environment. Whether you’re on a loaded bus or the quiet of your office, your learning capacity will be top tier.
Take That Break
This next one may go against everything you’ve ever heard about studying, but throw the words of your grade school teacher away. We know they probably meant well, but it’s actually good to take that break every once in a while.
Rather than stressing your mind out with a difficult concept or equation, give yourself a breather. It’s better to step away and relax for a few minutes instead of overstimulating your brain, which in a lot of cases results in burnout.
You’ll be glad to know your brain will still be working subconsciously in the background. So next time you feel guilty for taking a snack break…don’t.
Now that you have the tools you need to meet your learning goals – go for it! No one is stopping you from stretching and prodding at your brain’s limits. Before you know it, you’ll be noticing little hints at how much your learning capacity has increased.
Just remember – do things your way, make sure it feels natural, and always put your best foot forward. Happy learning!