In today’s technology-driven world, some facets of our daily lives have been digitalized and even in communications personal human connection is a rarity. People would rather send instant messages as well as corporate emails every single day.

The nostalgia of the bygone era, where personalized handwritten letters excite recipients is nearly a mere memory of the good old days of having good communications. However, despite the global clamor to increase going paperless, there are instances where a handwritten letter is more effective especially when communicating with clients and business associates in the real estate industry.
Get a higher response rate
Even when communication evolved into digital forms, nothing beats the efficacy of sending handwritten notes in any business industry. Although old-school, handwritten personalized notes, and letters have a higher response rate of 4.4 percent on average against emails which is only about 0.12 percent. This data translates to how effective handwritten letters are, which is 30 times higher than electronically sent letters.
Creates a good and long-lasting impression
Even if the most preferred way of communicating is done electronically, it cannot equate to the positive attributes of sending a handwritten letter for business. Aside from being a tangible way of expression, messages are felt deeply which gives the sender a good initial impression. Sending out real estate agent handwritten notes and letters are more meaningful given the effort and time creating them. This will also help a real estate agent to be easily recalled by clients while building a good reputation in the industry.
Will pave the way for a loyal and meaningful business relationship
In an industry fueled by stiff competition and challenges, a real estate agent that invests in personalized handwritten letters will definitely be a standout among the rest. The desire and effort to connect on a personal level are more valuable than usual electronically composed letters and messages. This will show a genuine intention to serve and provide value to clients which will be significant in forging loyalty through meaningful business relationships.
Great way to express gratitude for successful business transactions
Another advantage of investing in personalized handwritten letters for business is that it is an excellent opportunity to express gratitude more meaningfully. Carefully thought-out wordings, and special writing material, sealed and delivered to clients’ homes are a sure recipe for expressing gratitude in an extraordinary manner. Not only will this show ethical values in business practice but will create a good impact depicting the good character of a professional real estate agent.
Handwritten letters are highly appreciated
Generally speaking, people love receiving handwritten letters more than digitally composed ones. Personalized notes and letters are becoming rare which makes them exciting for recipients. Handwritten letters surely demonstrate how valuable the recipient is to the sender. These personalized notes are tangible artifacts that can be cherished in memory for many years to come.
Connotes genuine professionalism
When most business communications gear up towards digital formats, sending nicely handwritten notes to clients is an exceptional means of showing professionalism in the most genuine and thoughtful manner. Handwritten letters have a nostalgic charm unmatched by usual digital electronic correspondence. Given the attention to detail and extra effort that goes into writing by hand, this will surely impress clients while reflecting exceptional professionalism in the real estate industry.