The iPhone is touted as one of the best phones because of manifold benefits, including operating system (iOS), ability to support many apps, and elegance, among others. Some people view refurbished iPhones to be more or less like new ones. They are cheaper than new ones, which are usually sold at exorbitant prices. It is, therefore, perfectly to buy a refurbished iPhone 11. However, some people do not know what to expect when they are buying a phone. They are quick to close the deal, oblivious of what lies ahead. Failure to do due diligence to establish whether the phone in question is genuine or authentic makes them fall prey to unscrupulous deals. Here are things to expect when buying the iPhone.

Not Possible to Use Stolen iPhone
Thanks to the activation lock feature, the phone could have been stolen, meaning it won’t be any help. SIM cards cannot work when it is activation locked. Some private sellers are notorious for this because they are after extorting money from people. The onus is on the buyers to ensure that the phone they purchase has no history of theft.
One way to do this is to check the IMEA number to confirm if the phone has been in some way been compromised or stolen. Another way is to insert the SIM card in the phone to determine whether it will ask for the original owner’s Apple ID. If it does, this should be a warning that the iPhone is activation locked.
Reliability of the Battery
Battery issues are one of the main reasons why some private sellers get rid of their phones. Although many refurbished phones work just like new, confirming that the battery is in good shape would be advisable. One can check the health of a battery in the phone settings. Any rating between 80 and 100 is considered reasonable.
Reparable Minor Dents
Many refurbished iPhone 11 may have had superficial damages or wear and tear that is reparable. It undergoes a rigorous quality inspection to try to put back into its original form. At the end of the day, the refurbished iPhone will function pretty much as a new handset.
Accredited Sellers
The refurbished phone market is big, and naturally, there will be people operating illegally. Apple registers approved sellers in a bid to protect its brand and stamp out rogue retailers. The approved sellers liaise with the manufacturer to ensure the refurbished phones meet the required standards or specifications. It is much safe to buy from accredited sellers than to buy from every Tom Dick and Hurry. Most Apple-certified sellers give a warranty which is an added benefit to customers.
Compatibility with Carrier
It is important to confirm whether the phone can work with one’s preferred carrier. It is not uncommon for people to buy phones, only to find later that they cannot use them effectively. The iPhone is compatible with carriers like AT & T, T-mobile, Sprint, and Verizon.