The medical health industry is one of the fastest-growing and most detrimental societal institutions. Not only do we rely on healthcare when we suffer bouts of bad health, but the industry employs millions of people as well.
Nurses are some of the most critical medical health workers in the health sector. They play a priceless role, and without them, medical administration would not be as streamlined as it currently is.

However, nurses have some of the most demanding jobs in society. Not only are they constantly on their feet, but complex patients can make the job extremely challenging. Crankiness, uncertainty, and downright rude behavior are just some of the everyday issues that nurses have to deal with.
If you have issues in your relationship with patients, this article might help you as a nurse.
Following are some factors you can consider to strengthen the patient-nurse relationship and make your job easier.
Pursue higher education
Striving towards a doctorate is just one of the many goals that nurses have on their agenda. Not only is a Doctorate in Nursing Practice going to give you immense career development, but it’s also going to help you deal with patients better.
Moreover, with easy access to remote education, dnp programs online are pretty popular. The degree teaches you several aspects of strengthening the relationship between you and the patient while equipping you with the skills necessary to extend your experience in your practice.
Moreover, knowing that the nurse they are dealing with has ‘Dr.’ before their name generally helps settle even the most complex patients.
Patients often misbehave and try and get their way because they think nurses are inferior to doctors. As far-fetched as that is, you can be sure that everyone will take you seriously with a doctorate.
Educate them on their condition
One of the most common reasons why patients act out is because they are scared and confused. Doctors aren’t around as much as patients would want them to be. Due to this, sometimes the patient doesn’t know what will happen next, what the next course of action will be, or how long they will be admitted.
Doctors don’t have the time to sit down and answer all the patient’s questions; they have other things to tend to.
Hence, nurses should talk to their patients and educate them on the journey from here on out. Telling them about their condition and what is going to happen next may calm their nerves. Even if it’s bad news, merely informing the patient may alleviate the uncertainty.
Talking to and educating the clients is a great way to strengthen the nurse-patient relationship as well. The patients see you as someone who genuinely cares, thus reducing negative behavior.
Moreover, as a nurse, it is your responsibility to make the client feel as comfortable as possible—what better way of doing so than lifting the weight of uncertainty off their shoulders.
Here them out
Spending days in the hospital, all alone with increasing levels of uncertainty and fear, takes its toll on just about everyone. This is when most patients become irritated and lash out.
Sometimes your patients need someone to talk to. The hours of isolation can bother anyone, and we think engaging your patients in meaningful conversation would be best. Not only will this give you a chance to take a short break and explore your social side, but it would be a game-changer for your patient’s mood.
Talk to them about what they are feeling and what you can do for them. Many of them will tell you that they want to get up, stretch their legs and walk around.
If the patients have someone they can talk to, it strengthens the nurse-patient relationship and makes the situation more manageable. Remember how alien this environment is to them. If you can alleviate discomfort by even 10%, consider it a job well done.
Do more
We understand that you are tired too, but making them feel better will make you feel better as well. If you can go above and beyond the call of duty, do so.
It’s the little things like bringing them a cup of pudding or a box of juice. Something as seemingly insignificant as this can change their mood entirely and make them feel better about their day.
This is especially the case when you are dealing with younger and older generations. Children and the geriatric population both respond well to little gestures of goodwill.
That cup of pudding may go a long way in developing your relationship and making the patient feel considerably more welcome in the environment.
There is also a boundary you cannot cross. The border between being friendly and unprofessional is highly blurred. You may want to consider reading the ethical rule book or asking your supervisor’s opinion before doing something for the client.
Stay in touch for aftercare
Many patients need attention after they have been discharged. What better way to develop your relationship than keeping in touch and offering your services? Again, this is extremely common in the geriatric population, so if you have a heart for the elderly, you may want to consider this.
Staying in touch after discharge is a great way to put the client at ease. Someone familiar is visiting them, and the family can rest assured that the patient is in good hands.
This is a great way to cultivate relationship, and it helps with career development and pays the bills. Home visits can pay pretty well, and they look great on your resume. Moreover, specializing in a particular style of nursing (geriatric) can help you land excellent career development prospects to grow in your respective field.
The nursing profession is one of the most grueling and stressful but also most rewarding in society. Nursing work saves millions of lives every year, and their role during the pandemic is priceless.
The struggles they face at work are something that the average person will never understand. Therefore, even minorly helping these angelic heroes is good for us.
Consider these factors during your practice to help strengthen your relationship and add value to your practice. We hope that this article helped all the nurses that read it, and we wish you all the best in your future.