C-60 SOLAR POWERED AIRCRAFT In this project, we are going to show you to power an aircraft from solarcells and have an uninterrupted flight for 50 minutes with the aid of a dc source excluding solar cells. The project is concerned with the uninterrupted flight by using renewable energy i.e., solar cells energy, and having a smooth and long flight without fuel to any desired place as long as the sunlight is available, on the dismissal of sunlight the dc battery source will be there to drive the aircraft. This aircraft is also capable of one to one communication for such areas where wireless communication is inaccessible. The aircraft is equipped with Xbee-S1module (Communication module), which is communicated to the Xbee in inaccessible wireless areas. The Xbee of inaccessible area fetch the data from the sensor in that area and transfers this data to the Xbee in aircraft, storing in the SD card in aircraft. After the aircraft flight is ended the SD card data can be fetched via computer, and graph of complete analysis of that area in excel sheet.