Understanding Amazon FreeRTOS: Benefits and Ownership

FreeRTOS is a popular real-time operating system that is designed to run on microcontrollers and small embedded devices. It is based on FreeRTOS, an open-source operating system that has been widely used for IoT projects for many years. The popularity of FreeRTOS is due to its efficiency, portability, and ease of use in embedded systems development. However, Amazon FreeRTOS takes FreeRTOS to the next level by providing additional features and services that simplify the development and deployment of IoT devices. Amazon FreeRTOS includes features such as AWS IoT device SDK integration, over-the-air updates, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) integration.

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All Things IoT

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must have heard about IoT. But, do you know what exactly IoT is? In the simplest terms, IoT or Internet of Things refers to the network of connected devices capable of collecting and sharing data across the network. Over the past few years, IoT has grown in popularity, and it’s believed that about 33 billion devices will be connected to IoT by 2020. But, we will not talk about why IoT is important or why it has grown in popularity. Rather, the focus of this article is IoT applications. So, let’s dive into a few applications of IoT by industry. Internet of Things Home Innovation Imagine a world where people’s homes could listen to them, talk to them and make decisions. In fact, this is already happening. Connected devices inside homes allow you to control your appliances like lights and HVAC with smartphones. There are more advanced options, too, such as smart refrigerators. Have you heard of Amazon Alexa? It’s an IoT device capable of performing various tasks such as calling an Uber, ordering items for you from Amazon.com, and playing music.

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