Using wavelet transform in biomedical engineering – heart signal analysis

In previous post, we cleared out that wavelet transform is used to analyze short-time and non-stationary signals. Since base wavelet function has to parameters – translation and scaling, it is possible to achieve good time and frequency localization. In other words, we can equally analyze the slow signal and fast signal structures without losing resolution and so evaluate signal frequency characteristics and time dynamics. Heart signal analysis is one of the most common problems in biomedical engineering. Practically every part of ECG signal carries some sort of information about heart conditions, possible pathologies, and diseases. So equally, frequency and timing characteristics of ECG signal is essential. As you know standard ECG signal consists of several typical waveforms like P-QRS-T, where in P and T waves low frequency component dominates, and in QRS, mid and high. The common condition of hear is myocardial ischemia when blood flow through coronary arteries to the heart is reduced, what prevents receiving enough oxygen. This can damage the heart muscle and lead to a heart attack. In order to notice this pathology it is we need to analyze S-T segment of ECG waveform. Insignificant changes in the signal can indicate ischemia. In order to find…

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Digital Signal Processing – Applications

Digital signal processing is the technique used to analyze various digital signals and obtain information from the same. It is also used to transfer information from one place to another and involves conversion between analog and digital signals. It finds its application in various areas ranging from broadcasting to medicine. Let us have a look at some of the applications of the same. Biomedical Applications DSP is used extensively in the field of biomedicine. In it, the various signals generated by the different organs in the human body are measured to find information regarding the health of the same. For example, in the case of electrocardiograms, the electric signals generated by the heart are measured. Similarly, the activity of the brain is monitored by electroencephalograms. Automatic Control These days, many gadgets are available that can perform their tasks automatically. These devices contain various components that can take inputs depending on the surrounding conditions. These are conveyed to the device’s control unit, where they are processed, and the necessary action is taken. For example, a device like a thermostat increases its resistance in proportion to temperature. This can be used to stem the current in a machine whenever the temperature rises.

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