TWI (I2C) interface on AVR

Two-wire serial interfaces are included in the following AVR microcontroller families: ATmega8x, ATmega16x, ATmega163x, ATmega32x, ATmega323x, ATmega64x, and ATmega128x. TWI interface is a “Philips” standard I2C. Using the TWI interface, you can connect up to 128 devices using only two wires: clock (SCL) and data (SDA). Only two pull-up resistors on each line are needed for this interface to work properly. The I2C interface circuit is an open collector. This means if one of all devices has a low-level signal on a line, then it is ‘0’, and if all devices have a high impedance state, then the signal is considered to be great ‘1’—more details about TWI interface you can find on any ATmega datasheet. One of my examples Interfacing AD7416 digital temperature sensor you can find here: Analog Devices Digital temperature sensor AD7416

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