Technology is something that has come forward in leaps and bounds over recent years, and it is something that Progressive Automations, in particular has taken advantage of. Technological advancements have meant that various computer systems which can be used in the teaching of computer sciences have progressed sharply; if they had not, of course, students would leave their classes unable to handle the more up-to-date versions of computer programs that had come out during the time they had been learning.

One such system developed to help in teaching is Raspberry Pi, which brings raspberry pi and actuators together to allow students to become proficient in handling linear actuators and the motion systems they are often attached to.
The basic handling of a linear actuator with a Raspberry Pi control system is something that comes down to learning the functional language (usually Python or a similar language). The language then gives the controller a more vital ability to communicate with the motion system that they are controlling. Raspberry Pi itself has over seventeen GPIOs attached to it, meaning that the operator, at any given time, can control a group of more than one actuator. When it comes to computing and programming classes, learning the languages (such as Python) before anybody comes into contact with the systems which require it is a good way of ensuring that they will have all the knowledge they need before they need it.
People who have learned the appropriate languages for use with the system will be able to control their linear actuator(s) with Raspberry Pi if they ever need to. Using the system, they will then be able to convert the rotational motion of a standard motor into linear motion for various tasks, including security systems and baby monitors, if they are needed to move. The prominent problem people have with the Raspberry Pi system is that it does not have its own power source; an external power supply is needed for Raspberry Pi, and, therefore, any attached linear actuators – to function. This naturally requires the Raspberry Pi system to be connected up in some fashion and therefore limits what a linear actuator can do, as it needs to be connected to the power source.
The market has produced many different types of linear actuators and will continue to produce more as they become more integral to our current technology; therefore, there are plenty of ways to vary according to stroke length, speed, and accuracy. These are all things that anybody who is using a Raspberry Pi control actuator needs to be aware of to make the necessary changes for accurate control of their equipment.
In addition to that, more minor details such as the IP rating (the ratings which tell people who are using an actuator whether it will withstand adverse conditions – i.e., dusty or wet ones), the stroke length (and whether or not a limit switch will be required for the work which requires the actuator in the first place), and the weight which the actuator can take. Anyone aiming to use Raspberry Pi for controlling linear actuators should therefore aim to familiarise themselves with the Python programming involved with each of those areas to ensure that they know what to do.