Gaining the attention of online consumers can mean big gains for your business. If you’re running a small business, the internet can help you enrich and grow your operation with ease.

Refining your business website is the first place you should start working on your digital presence. Take a moment to better your website with a little research, and make sure your website has these crucial elements.
A clear navigation method
It’s important that your website has a clear way of navigating the content your business has to offer. Web-users will look for a way to dig deeper into your site upon arrival, and a simple navigation setup makes it easy to move forward with curiosity.
The clean design of a stationary navigation bar is seen in action on this page of industry solutions for automotive professionals. Most people searching the web are familiar with and know how to use a stationary navigation bar, making it a good way to draw engagement from users.
Communication elements
Your website is a great source of communication between your business and your consumer base, but it won’t help much without the right design elements present. You have to design your website in such a way that it encourages passing users to take time to touch bases with your operation.
A contact page is standard, but there should be more opportunities for users to connect present within the design of your website. Drop a phone number on the homepage. Add a comment box to your blog posts, and a simple email signup form is a great way to engage users.
Incorporate elements of SEO
If you really want a website that draws visibility to your brand, you need to incorporate the concepts of search engine optimization. Optimizing your standing in the search engines will make it easier for users to find your business online.
If you’re doing the designing in-house, make sure SEO is at the top of the list. Otherwise, outsource the optimization to professionals who know how to draw attention to your content online.
Put mobile users first
Prioritize mobile users as you work on your website build. Mobile users are the driving force on the internet today. Most people would rather use their smartphones for online searches, and laptops, desktops, and tablets are now a secondary method of web access.
Add a little social media
Finally, adding a little social media to the mix will help make your design more interactive and engaging. When people see something they like, make it is easy for them to share their finds with others.
Add social media sharing buttons throughout your website design, and choose crafty locations for their placement. Your blog, homepage, and contact page are all areas that could use a little shareability.