Today, the internet is one of our main entertainment forms, with games, quizzes, TV shows, movies, and much more content available online for us to enjoy. But, TV and internet can quickly become very costly, so if you’re getting set up to go online in your new home or are switching your TV provider, internet company or both, saving money is probably going to be one of your top priorities. We’ve listed some of the best ways to save money on your television and the internet.

TV and Internet Bundles
One of the best ways to save money on your TV and the internet is to get a bundled package, for example, this one available from When you purchase a package deal, you can usually find some exclusive special offers, for example, you could enjoy limited free access to premium channels, catch up TV, and more. For example, DIRECTV offers a satellite TV and internet package with almost 300 hundred channels included, over half of which are HD. Grouping your services from the same provider not only often works out cheaper for you, but it also makes managing your money and bills a lot easier with one simple monthly payment for both. You can find out more about DIRECTV’s plan here.
Take Advantage of Sales
If you are looking to change your TV package, internet provider or both, then it’s a good idea to take advantage of seasonal sales and special offers. For example, many TV and internet providers will offer special deals and cut prices at popular sales times, such as during the Boxing Day sales or in Spring. By keeping your eye on price rises and falls throughout the year, you will be able to determine when is the best time to buy if you want to get the best price.
Use Comparison Sites
One of the best ways to find the best prices for TV and internet packages for your home is to look at comparison sites. Rather than spending extra time looking at each different provider to weigh up the different prices, a comparison site will allow you access to all of the best current offers, bundles and prices that suit your needs the best. However, be aware that not all TV and internet providers will use comparison sites, so do some direct searches to ensure that you don’t miss out. Along with that, it’s a good idea to check how much it would cost you to buy direct from the provider once you have found a price and product that you like – it may be cheaper.
Stream TV Online
If you are not bothered about watching live channels or seeing new episodes the minute they are aired, you could save money using an online TV streaming service. Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Video are just some popular examples of the most-used streaming services, with a range of movies, TV shows and more available for you to enjoy. All you will need is an internet connection and a compatible device to stream TV online, such as a smart TV, games console or laptop.

Use Cash Back Sites
Today, there are various sites available online where you can earn cashback on selected purchases. You can often find a range of offers available, allowing buyers to claim cashback when they purchase an internet or TV package or a bundle of the two. Depending on the amount of cashback you can claim, you could make some significant savings, putting the money you claim back towards paying your monthly bill for the service.
Ask for a Better Deal
Did you know that you could save money on your TV and internet simply by asking your provider for a better deal? If you have been with your current TV or internet provider for some time and are happy with their service but feel that it is a little too pricey, then simply calling up and letting them know that you’re looking elsewhere for a cheaper deal could be enough to get an exclusive offer in the hope that it will tempt you to stick around. Even better, have a specific deal in mind that is a lot cheaper – they may be able to match the price if you inform them.
Get Rid of Extras
Many people are paying more than they need to for their TV and internet, simply because they’re not using all of the features available to them. Suppose you are considering switching providers to save money and determine whether you can scale back on the features you pay for instead. For example, if you pay for access to on-demand TV or pay to watch live sports but barely use these features, cancelling them can considerably reduce your bills without too much inconvenience. Along with this, don’t forget about cheaper internet packages. If you’re paying for the fastest download speed or the most bandwidth available, consider whether you’d be able to manage just as well if you were to downsize.
Find Alternative Entertainment Ideas
When it comes to finding entertainment, there’s no need to be paying a huge amount each month for a hefty TV and internet package. Simply getting a tablet, which you can use to watch a range of movies and TV shows provided on paid apps such as Netflix and HBO Go, or even free-to-use apps such as YouTube where you can find everything from short, entertaining videos to how-to guides and full movies and TV shows.
Switch to Satellite
If you are currently subscribing to cable TV, you may be able to make some significant savings simply by switching to satellite. Today, you can get just as many channels with satellite TV, and most offer decent internet speeds depending on your location. Be sure to keep your eye out for any promotional deals exclusively for new customers, which are regularly available from a range of suppliers.
Saving money on your TV and internet bills can be a great way to cut your monthly expenses!